Save the date! Wednesday, February 22nd at 9am is the next #AndoverMA Coffee With A Planner-- tweens and teens edition!
Participants will reimagine several locations in Andover and create models of their designs. This is a great opportunity for kids interested in architecture, engineering, urban planning, and design.
Calling all #MA #AndoverMA #saferoutestoschool folks:
Just under one week until MA's Winter Walk/Bike/Roll to School Day on Wednesday, February 1st!
All #Andover Public Schools are registered with #SRTS, so talk to your school principal or message us with any questions.
#ma #andoverma #saferoutestoschool #andover #SRTS
Slow down #AndoverMA ! New 25mph signs are being installed to replace existing 30mph ones. Lower vehicle speeds lead to #safestreets for all people, including those on foot and bicycle.
#safestreetsforall #pedestrian #bikes #BikeTooter #activetransportation
#andoverma #safestreets #safestreetsforall #pedestrian #bikes #BikeTooter #activetransportation
We're a resident-led advocacy group based in #AndoverMA, working to make #biking, #walking, and #rolling safer and more accessible to people of all ages and abilities. Subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you don't miss any local advocacy opportunities.
#andoverma #biking #walking #rolling
Voting on a tax override for our kids’ future elementary school. Thanks to state laws and the #AndoverMA open town meeting format, we are here at bedtime, up several flights of stairs, in a special section with the rest of the parents. What a terrible, suppressive, classist, misogynistic system. #mapoli #MApolitics #TownGovernment #publicschools
#publicschools #towngovernment #MApolitics #mapoli #andoverma