A spokesperson for Leadsom said: “Dame Andrea Leadsom’s declarations have been transparent and accurate in accordance with the rules and the law at all times.”
Well she would say that, wouldn’t she?
In fact, it’s pretty much what they all say in response to any alleged wrongdoing: “all the rules were followed”. Just like Johnson’s lockdown parties…
#coflictofinterest #shareholdings #tories #andrealeadsom
This is fun - a sparkling interview with #AndreaLeadsom on the #SnakesAndLadders of political life.
#SnakesAndLadders #andrealeadsom
Invest in Northern Ireland to get single market access, says #AndreaLeadsom
"Obviously the sort of rejoinder from someone who didn't want to leave the #EU is 'well, we all used to have that'," she told the BBC's Damian Grammaticas.
- well quite, Andrea....