Great photo, and a great introductory post to #AndreasFeininger.
His father, #LyonelFeininger, was my father's favourite painter, we had a reproduction of one of his paintings in our dining room. I love how in this case the Bauhaus tradition spreads on different levels: from father the painter to son the photographer, from Germany to America. And how through it all shines the hard analytical light, tempered to a smaller or larger degree by warmth and humour, as in this photograph.
#andreasfeininger #lyonelfeininger
#Museumssonntag #Bröhan Museum #Berlin
Andreas Feininger - NEW YORK IN THE FORTIES
Der Fotograf ist der älteste Sohn des Malers Lionel Feininger. Die atmosphärischen Fotografien haben mich sehr beeindruckt.
Brooklyn Bridge im Nebel, 1948
Brooklyn Bridge im Nebel, 1954
Midtown Manhattan, seen from New Jersey, 1942
Selbstportrait, 1946
#AndreasFeininger #Feininger #Fotografie #NewYork #SchwarzWeißFotografie
#schwarzweißfotografie #newyork #fotografie #Feininger #andreasfeininger #berlin #brohan #Museumssonntag
RT @moma_photos
Andreas Feininger, The Photojournalist, 1955 #museumofmodernart #andreasfeininger
#andreasfeininger #museumofmodernart