A new chapter of our “Guide to Best Practices on Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Research” is now available for open review and comments in State of the Planet:
Ho, D. T., Bopp, L., Palter, J. B., Long, M. C., Boyd, P., Neukermans, G., and Bach, L.: Chapter 6: Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification for Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement, State Planet Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/sp-2023-2, in review, 2023.
#mCDR #OAE #OceanAlkalinityEnhancement #AndreasOschlies @davidho @bach_lennart
#andreasoschlies #oceanalkalinityenhancement #oae #mcdr
We are preparing a “Guide to Best Practices for Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Research” (https://oae-best-practice.carbondioxide-removal.eu/project/).
The first chapter is now available for open review: “Assessing the technical aspects of OAE approaches”, in the new Copernicus journal State of the Planet.
#mcDR #OAE #AndreasOschlies #ClimateWorksFoundation #PrinceAlbert2ofMonacoFoundation
#princealbert2ofmonacofoundation #climateworksfoundation #andreasoschlies #oae #mcdr