Husband's out of town, so I had an evening on my own last night for the first time in a while, eating chocolate torte, drinking cordials and watching an old movie with a cat in my lap
#AndréDeRoux #1921 #MonsieurMagazine #VintageIllustration #TwentiesArt #Illustration #Wingback
#andrederoux #monsieurmagazine #vintageillustration #twentiesart #illustration #wingback
My outside ventures will have to wait until Friday I think due to the snow duvet currently on the cities
#VintageIllustration #snow #1920s #AndréDeRoux #MonsieurMagazine #winter #minnesota #MinnesotaWinter #muff
#vintageillustration #snow #1920s #andrederoux #monsieurmagazine #winter #minnesota #minnesotawinter #muff