“Kertész – Lartigue. Un pas de côté” is the catalog for the eponymous exhibition at Espace Richaud, Versailles, in 2023. It presents works by two pioneers of modern #photography, #JacquesHenriLartigue and #AndréKertész.
Design by Clémence Michon using Persona (@abyme) and Louize Display (@205TF).
#photography #jacqueshenrilartigue #andrekertesz #fontsinuse #typefaces #fonts #typography
Henry Moore Sculpture -England, 1980. - Andre Kertesz
#art #photography #HenryMoore #AndreKertesz
#art #photography #henrymoore #andrekertesz
Modrian's glasses and pipe.
Andre Kertesz
Paris 1926
Life rejected Kertesz's photographs when he arrived in the United States in 1937 because, they said, his images "spoke too much"; they made us reflect, suggested a meaning -- a different meaning from the literal one. Ultimately, Photography is
subversive not when it frightens, repels, or even stigmatizes, but when it is pensive, when it thinks.
Roland Barthes
Camera Lucida
p. 38
#rolandbarthes #monochrome #andrekertesz #photography