Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
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Young aspiring stage actress Nina walks into a real estate agency. So starts Rendez-vous, starring baby Juliette Binoche. A bizaare love triangle ensues between Nina, love sick puppy dog Paulot and his charismatic actor roommate Quentin. There would be obsession, emotional outbursts and a suicide.
Enter Quentin's mentor Scrutzler (Jean-Louis Trintignant), a theater director. Nina auditions for the part of Juliette. Once she gets the part, she is having a hard time. How would she know to play the role if she's never been in love? Quentin's ghost haunts her. Rendez-vous, an Assayas scripted film, later a basis for Clouds of Sils Maria, is a beautiful 80s film about passion. It's also about youth. It sounds like bullshit but in order to be great at whatever you do, you need to experience passionate love. Binoche looks so innocent in this great, breakout role. Top tier Techiné for sure.

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Last updated 2 years ago