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#andrewfeinberg #theindependent #breakingnews #commentary #haiku #poetry
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Florida Man Is Now Averaging One Federal Indictment Per Month #Jezebel #indictmentsagainstdonaldtrump #donaldtrumplitigation #thetrumporganization #derangedjacksmith #andrewfeinberg #stormydaniels #ejeancarroll #donaldtrump #rondesantis #faniwillis #jacksmith #waltnauta #willhurd #lawcrime #politics
#jezebel #indictmentsagainstdonaldtrump #donaldtrumplitigation #thetrumporganization #derangedjacksmith #andrewfeinberg #stormydaniels #ejeancarroll #donaldtrump #rondesantis #FaniWillis #jacksmith #waltnauta #willhurd #lawcrime #politics
All I'm saying, people, Is #AndrewFeinberg is right a lot of the time....just sayin'....underrated reporter....lots of others may just be mad they don't have the source....we'll see.