How Cyber Safe is Your Drinking Water Supply? - Amid multiple recent reports of hackers breaking into and tampering with drinking ... #environmentalprotectionagency #waterinfrastructureactof2018 #andrewhildick-smith #michaelarceneaux #thecomingstorm #kevincollier #teamviewer #waterisac #nbcnews
#nbcnews #waterisac #teamviewer #kevincollier #thecomingstorm #michaelarceneaux #andrewhildick #waterinfrastructureactof2018 #environmentalprotectionagency
What’s most interesting about the Florida water system hack? That we heard about it at all. - Stories about computer security tend to go viral when they bridge the vast divide between geeks and ... #environmentalprotectionagency #appliedcontrolsolutions #andrewhildick-smith #floridawaterhack #alittlesunshine #bobgualtieri #marcindudek #certpolska #teamviewer
#teamviewer #certpolska #marcindudek #bobgualtieri #alittlesunshine #floridawaterhack #andrewhildick #appliedcontrolsolutions #environmentalprotectionagency