#Humility is to expect nothing, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me
I am on Day Three of #WithChristintheSchoolofPrayer by #AndrewMurray. We are encouraged to pray in secret, because the Father who is Spirit, sees what we do in secret and rewards us openly.
I have a confession to make. The things I do in secret are shameful things, things I'd be ashamed if made to divulge here.
The option #Jesus is giving us is instead of to sin in secret, to pray in secret. I don't think it translates to sin in public lol but I am willing to try praying in #secret.
#withchristintheschoolofprayer #andrewmurray #jesus #secret
Continuing my reading of #WithChristintheSchoolofPrayer by #AndrewMurray, I am on Day Two of this 31-Day Study on #prayer.
Jesus tells us in John 4 that #God is #Spirit. We must worship God in spirit and truth. To worship God, I must pray in the Holy Spirit and in Jesus, who is the #Truth. This is complete reliance on the Triune how to pray.
To put this into practice in prayer, I became silent and asked the Holy Spirit, "What do you want me to pray about? Who do you want me to pray for?"
#withchristintheschoolofprayer #andrewmurray #prayer #god #spirit #truth
Continuing my reading of #WithChristintheSchoolofPrayer by #AndrewMurray, I am on Day Two of this 31-Day Study on #prayer.
On Day 1, I was invited to humble myself before God and ask, "Lord, teach me how to #pray."
On Day 2, I am reminded that #God is #Spirit. We must worship God in spirit and truth. To worship God, I must pray in the Holy Spirit, and since Jesus is the #truth, to pray in Him, too. This is complete reliance on the Triune how to pray.
#withchristintheschoolofprayer #andrewmurray #prayer #PRAY #god #spirit #truth #bookstodon
"Only when the church gives herself up to this holy work of #intercession can she expect the power of #Christ to manifest itself on her behalf."
"There is none who can #pray like #Jesus and none who can teach like Him."
Lord, teach us to pray..."to the glory of God, in full surrender to His will, in full assurance of #faith, in the name of Jesus, and with a #perseverance that refuses to be denied."
"The Holy Spirit is the #Spirit of prayer praying through us."
#intercession #christ #PRAY #jesus #faith #perseverance #spirit #andrewmurray #theschoolofprayer
Humility is to expect nothing, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me
Humility is to be at rest when nobody praises me & when I am blamed or despised