I’m not sure the world is ready for a #PaulMescal and #AndrewScott sex scene.
I’m still getting over the Fleabag/Hot Priest kneel scene. 🔥
Pink News: All of Us Strangers director praises Paul Mescal and Andrew Scott’s ‘fearless’ sex scenes https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/08/24/all-of-us-strangers-andrew-haigh-andrew-scott-paul-mescal-sex-scenes/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #representation #AndrewHaigh #AndrewScott #PaulMescal #Culture #Film
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #representation #andrewhaigh #andrewscott #paulmescal #Culture #Film
Could someone who owns a well-ventilated, transit-accessible theater anywhere on the east coast please show a double feature of #AllOfUsStrangers and #Cassandro later this fall? The only thing better would be #GaelGarciaBernal and #AndrewScott being sexy and ridiculously good actors with each other.
#allofusstrangers #cassandro #gaelgarciabernal #andrewscott
Pink News: Andrew Scott in Vanya: first look images, dates and tickets https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/08/14/vanya-andrew-scott-tickets/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #AndrewScott #Shopping #shopping #Tickets #Theatre #tickets #WestEnd
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #andrewscott #shopping #tickets #theatre #westend
Pink News: Here’s your first look at Paul Mescal and Andrew Scott’s ghostly gay romance All of Us Strangers https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/08/08/all-of-us-strangers-paul-mescal-andrew-scott-first-look-reactions/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #representation #AndrewScott #PaulMescal #Culture #drama #Film
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #representation #andrewscott #paulmescal #Culture #drama #Film
Die britische Sitcom „Hullraisers“ feiert ihre Deutschlandpremiere beim ZDF. Die zweite Staffel von der Drama-Serie „Blindspotting“ findet ihr ab heute auf Prime Video und mit „The Pursuit of Love“ bekommt MagentaTV eine Miniserie über das Sexleben der britischen Oberschicht.
#AndrewScott #BenjaminTurner #Hull #Hullraisers #LilyJames #WasLäuftHeute
#andrewscott #benjaminturner #hull #hullraisers #lilyjames #waslauftheute
Pink News: Andrew Scott to star in Vanya on London’s West End: tickets, dates and more https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/06/08/andrew-scott-vanya-tickets-dates/ #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #AndrewScott #Shopping #shopping #Tickets #tickets #WestEnd
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #andrewscott #shopping #tickets #westend
Of course this appears on a day climate change is really in our faces about how decadent intercontinental (or any) air travel is. Are there any #AndrewScott fanenbies/bois/grrls here? I miss how easy the birdsite made it to take breaks from ranting about cars, climate and capitalism to find random tweets about/pretty pictures of less depressing interests. https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2023/jun/08/fleabag-star-andrew-scott-to-bring-one-man-uncle-vanya-to-west-end
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: I Love When Women TV Writers Write Themselves Hot Love Interests https://jezebel.com/tv-writers-self-insert-brunson-fey-waller-bridge-kaling-1850077191 #Jezebel #televisionintheunitedstates #gregorytylerjameswilliams #americantelevisionseries #entertainment2cculture #maitreyiramakrishnan #mindylahiricanoodles #janinequintabrunson #televisionseries #themindyproject #hannahhorvath #phoebewaller #darrenbarnet #jarenlewison #andrewscott #showrunners
#jezebel #televisionintheunitedstates #gregorytylerjameswilliams #americantelevisionseries #entertainment2cculture #maitreyiramakrishnan #mindylahiricanoodles #janinequintabrunson #televisionseries #themindyproject #hannahhorvath #phoebewaller #darrenbarnet #jarenlewison #andrewscott #showrunners
A great choice for Prime Time this week IMO.
#MovieReview #review #blog #blogger #PrimeVideoUK #streaming #CatherineCalledBirdy #BellaRamsey #AndrewScott #LenaDunham #comedy #PaulKaye #BilliePiper #SophieOkonedo #LesleySharp #IsisHainsworth
#moviereview #review #blog #blogger #primevideouk #Streaming #catherinecalledbirdy #bellaramsey #andrewscott #lenadunham #comedy #paulkaye #billiepiper #sophieokonedo #lesleysharp #isishainsworth
Another #Showtime series is making the jump to another outlet. #Ripley, based primarily on #PatriciaHighsmith's #TheTelentedMrRipley, is heading to #Netflix in the wake of the #ParamountPlus integration and the announcement of the expansion of the #Billions and #Dexter universes. 'Ripley' stars #AndrewScott and was conceived as a limited series but could continue if it's a hit. #television #streaming
#showtime #ripley #patriciahighsmith #thetelentedmrripley #netflix #paramountplus #billions #dexter #andrewscott #television #streaming
Kotaku: Amazon’s Tomb Raider Show Reportedly Being Written By Fleabag Creator https://kotaku.com/tomb-raider-amazon-phoebe-waller-bridge-fleabag-1850042545 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #phoebewallerbridge #tombraiderseries #crystaldynamics #amandagrenblatt #aliciavikander #embracergroup #angelinajolie #creativeworks #windowsgames #phoebewaller #ryanandolina #videogaming #andrewscott #tombraider #linuxgames #videogames #squareenix
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #PhoebeWallerBridge #tombraiderseries #crystaldynamics #amandagrenblatt #aliciavikander #embracergroup #angelinajolie #creativeworks #windowsgames #phoebewaller #ryanandolina #videogaming #andrewscott #tombraider #linuxgames #videogames #squareenix
In other news, I'm liking The Land of The Dead a lot because #AndrewScott is here, now! Woohoo!
I'm just throwing this out here... Andrew Scott is a handsome man who's raw talent makes him gorgeous. #andrewscott #fleabag #sherlock #crush #oof
#andrewscott #fleabag #sherlock #crush #oof
What’s your favourite interpretation of #SherlockHolmes or associated characters #JohnWatson #IreneAdler #JamesMoriarty #MycroftHolmes #InspectorLestrade and why? Comment to be featured in this Friday’s podcast! #PrepareForPrattle #AlterNativityStories
#sherlock #benedictcumberbatch #sherlockbbc #johnlock #martinfreeman #sherlocked #bbcsherlock #bbc #cumberbatch #bakerstreet #holmes #sherlockedit #moriarty #bbakerstreet #sherlockfandom #jimmoriarty #sherlockian #sherlockmemes #andrewscott
#sherlockholmes #johnwatson #ireneadler #jamesmoriarty #mycroftholmes #inspectorlestrade #prepareforprattle #alternativitystories #Sherlock #benedictcumberbatch #sherlockbbc #johnlock #martinfreeman #sherlocked #bbcsherlock #bbc #cumberbatch #bakerstreet #Holmes #sherlockedit #moriarty #bbakerstreet #sherlockfandom #jimmoriarty #Sherlockian #sherlockmemes #andrewscott
Lena Dunham Joined by Joe Alwyn & Bella Ramsey at 'Catherine Called Birdy' Premiere at TIFF #12Settembre #2022TorontoFilmFestival #AndrewScott #ArchieRenaux #BellaRamsey #IsisHainsworth #JoeAlwyn #LenaDunham #LuisFelber https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuanVzdGphcmVkLmNvbS8yMDIyLzA5LzExL2xlbmEtZHVuaGFtLWpvaW5lZC1ieS1qb2UtYWx3eW4tYmVsbGEtcmFtc2V5LWF0LWNhdGhlcmluZS1jYWxsZWQtYmlyZHktcHJlbWllcmUtYXQtdGlmZi8=.html
#LuisFelber #LenaDunham #JoeAlwyn #IsisHainsworth #bellaramsey #ArchieRenaux #andrewscott #2022TorontoFilmFestival #12Settembre