Kids, Matt's guest tonight is Andrew Seidel and they'll be talking about the "Extreme Court" and probably other stuff too. The religious right shanghai'ing courts, our rights, etc. Starts at the top of the hour and on-demand after that on ewetube!
#TheLine #MattDillahunty #AndrewSeidel
Do it up!
#andrewseidel #mattdillahunty #TheLine
Drunk on Power: Christian Nationalism's War on Democracy - Constitutional attorney Andrew L. Seidel weighs in on how Christian Nationalism has weaponized secular institutions to establish a high-control theocracy. - #Theocracy #TTA #ThinkingAtheist #Atheism #ChristianNationalism #SethAndrews #AndrewSeidel
#andrewseidel #sethandrews #ChristianNationalism #atheism #thinkingatheist #tta #theocracy