Busy watching this documentary about #andrewtate apparently a lot of people around follow him around the world. Not sure why as he is a complete nutter
Stomach churning interview with Matt Shea, on his exposés of professional misogynist and accused people trafficker Andrew Tate, whose worldwide influence on a generation of boys should alarm us all.
#AndrewTate #MattShea #Misogyny #ModernSlavery #PeopleTrafficking #Cult
#cult #peopletrafficking #modernslavery #misogyny #mattshea #andrewtate
People like that has always managed to attract mental Weaklings and other Losers.
"Andrew Tate prosecution files reveal graphic claims of coercion ahead of trial"
Note that today is the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition.
"Andrew Tate prosecution files reveal graphic claims of coercion ahead of trial"
Lucy Williamson deserves counselling for PTSD after covering this story.
#andrewtate #misogyny #rape #slavery #toxicmasculinity
#AndrewTate Called Out By #ScottishFirstMinister
#NovaraMediaNews #andrewtate #scottishfirstminister
Boys with daddy issues follow Tate, and mature men follow Christ. #AndrewTate #Jesus
Gizmodo: Twitter's CEO Makes New Excuses for Musk's Dumb 'X' Rebranding https://gizmodo.com/linda-yaccarino-twitter-elon-musk-justify-x-rebrand-1850726989 #acquisitionoftwitterbyelonmusk #businessfinance #johnsonjohnson #lindayaccarino #yaccarinosaid #nbcuniversal #andrewtate #thetwitter #yaccarino #saraeisen #tweetdeck #elonmusk #twitter #paypal #venmo #xcorp #musk #elon #meta
#acquisitionoftwitterbyelonmusk #businessfinance #johnsonjohnson #lindayaccarino #yaccarinosaid #nbcuniversal #andrewtate #thetwitter #yaccarino #saraeisen #tweetdeck #elonmusk #twitter #paypal #venmo #xcorp #musk #elon #meta
A telegram chat network people pay 8,000$ to access, that sells Ultra alpha male macho bull$hit run buy #andrewtate and a bunch of ex #military rich jerks? Yeah it exists and is going strong article by @Bellingcat
Hey #feminist s this might be kinda import yeah?
Hey those fighting #maga and #nazi #whitesupremacy same same
#andrewtate #military #feminist #MAGA #nazi #WhiteSupremacy
Gizmodo: Andrew Tate Is No Longer Under Romanian House Arrest https://gizmodo.com/andrew-tate-is-no-longer-under-romanian-house-arrest-1850707641 #theassociatedpress #drafttristantate #tuckercarlson #housearrest #andrewtate #christian #elonmusk #lawcrime #tate
#theassociatedpress #drafttristantate #tuckercarlson #housearrest #andrewtate #christian #elonmusk #lawcrime #tate
Influencer Andrew Tate in Rumänien aus Hausarrest entlassen
Der in Rumänien wegen Vergewaltigung und Menschenhandels angeklagte Influencer Tate sowie sein Bruder und zwei Rumäninnen sind aus dem Hausarrest entlassen worden. Ein Gerichtstermin wird frühestens im September erwartet.
#AndrewTate vapautetaan kotiarestista odottamaan oikeudenkäyntiään. Saavat veljensä #TristanTate n kanssa liikkua vapaasti #Bukarest in alueella.
#Tate's house arrest is lifted. Both Andrew and Tristan #Tate are free to move in #Bucharest.
#raiskaus #rape #HumanTrafficking #ihmiskauppa #rikos #Romania #HouseArrest #kotiaresti
#andrewtate #tristantate #bukarest #tate #bucharest #raiskaus #rape #humantrafficking #ihmiskauppa #rikos #romania #housearrest #kotiaresti
#AndrewTate #released from house arrest by Bucharest court | Andrew Tate | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/news/2023/aug/04/andrew-tate-released-from-house-arrest-by-bucharest-court
@Eisentukan Andrew Tate hat verdammt hart trainiert. Das ist alles positive was man über ihn sagen muss.
Was mich immer wieder fasziniert ist nicht nur diese Alpha-Definition (hab ne riesen Karre und behandle deine Mitmenschen schlecht) sondern auch das "how to": in der Natur: besiege "den Alpha". Bei Andrew Tate: "imitiere die Aspekte von Tate, die Dir am einfachsten fallen". Dafür gibt's noch keinen griechischen Buchstaben... 🤷
#alphanonsense #bullshitology #andrewtate
Gizmodo: Twitter Gives Verified Users Option to Hide Their Checkmark of Shame https://gizmodo.com/twitter-x-gives-blue-users-option-to-hide-checkmark-1850699191 #twitterblueverificationcontroversy #computeraccesscontrol #twitterunderelonmusk #accountverification #twitterverification #identitymanagement #technologyinternet #internetculture #metaplatforms #stephenking #socialmedia #andrewtate #instagram #elonmusk #twitter
#twitterblueverificationcontroversy #computeraccesscontrol #twitterunderelonmusk #accountverification #twitterverification #identitymanagement #technologyinternet #internetculture #metaplatforms #stephenking #socialmedia #andrewtate #instagram #elonmusk #twitter