Esperante radio & Vlad Vorobev · @omdaru
185 followers · 1092 posts · Server Three by Osip - by - ru-eng - mp3

"The century-wolfhound leaps for my throat, But my blood is not that of a wolf,Stuff me, a hat, up the sleeve of the coat
Of the warm Siberian wool.
Take me into the night where the Yenisei cools And the pines reach the firmament, stately,
For my blood, after all, is not that of a wolf, And none but an equal can slay me.

March 17-18, 1931

#poems #mandelstam #translated #andreykneller #paralleltext #podcast #poetry #translation

Last updated 2 years ago

Esperante radio & Vlad Vorobev · @omdaru
83 followers · 539 posts · Server ..And whilst with liberty we burn,
And whilst our hearts adore ovation,
Our country needs us, — let us turn
And dedicate our soul’s elation.
My friend, believe me that with thunder,
The star of joy will rise again!
And will arise from slumber,
Our names will be incised with wonder
On remnants of oppressive reign! Alexander
To Translated by

#russia #pushkin #chaadaev #andreykneller #translation #RussianPoetry #russianhistory

Last updated 2 years ago

Esperante radio & Vlad Vorobev · @omdaru
35 followers · 323 posts · Server