#YAP antagonizes #TEAD-mediated #androgen receptor signaling and #prostatecancer growth
Jian Zhu, Jin Jiang and colleagues UT Southwestern
#yap #tead #androgen #prostatecancer
2/8 In an unbiased way, Amy queried if any of 6 fatty acids regulate #androgen metabolism in several ways. Not just #enzyme transcript - rather direct #metabolism. Arachidonic acid (AA) gave the strongest signal and led to loss of the DHT precursor 5α-dione. @PCF_Science
1/8 We love steroidogenic enzymes! But are there cell exogenous regulators of #androgen metabolism? Yes! Aimalie Hardaway @CleClinic_GUMRC asked this question and the story is just out @endosocjournals #Endocrinology This is her labor of love! https://academic.oup.com/endo/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1210/endocr/bqac191/6836712?redirectedFrom=fulltext