Lilbits: Intel’s next-gen chips leaked, Libre Computer’s new single-board PC, and the GPD Win Mini is hot (literally) #AmlogicS905x, #Andorid14, #AndroidAutomotive, #Arm, #Chips, #GpdWinMini, #Intel, #IntelFoundryServices, #Leaks, #LibreComputer, #Lilbits, #MeteorLake, #MeteorLakeh, #RaptorLakeRefresh, #Sbc, #Sideloading, #SweetPotato
#amlogics905x #andorid14 #androidautomotive #arm #chips #gpdwinmini #intel #IntelFoundryServices #leaks #librecomputer #lilbits #MeteorLake #meteorlakeh #raptorlakerefresh #sbc #sideloading #sweetpotato
There is also no progress made on #AndroidAutomotive EVs getting integrated into #HomeAssistant. There's no API and the log in is very closed. I can use Tasker to update some info from my Android phone, but it's a pain and can't be automated with our #Polestar.
The data I have in this dashboard is only as up to date as the last time I ran the Tasker task, and I need to open the Polestar app and let it refresh before running the task.
#androidautomotive #homeassistant #polestar
My MY23 Volvo #XC60Recharge with #AndroidAutomotive OS only shows Google/Apple Maps, or blank. No track info on the driver console.
No #AndroidAuto available either, so I can’t get phone notifications when using Samsung phones. Mostly why I switched back to my iPhone.
#xc60recharge #androidautomotive #androidauto
I'm really enjoying how Apple CarPlay looks. Both Waze and Spotify on one page.
Google's #AndroidAutomotive OS seriously needs to do something similar. It's so bad right now because I have to click Home to switch between Waze and Spotify.
#GWB - Android Automotive: Bundeskartellamt sieht Googles App-Bündelung kritisch – Google Built-in als Lösung? - #androidautomotive #rechtliches #Google
#gwb #androidautomotive #rechtliches #google
#GWB - Android Automotive: Google bringt YouTube ins Auto – Polestar beginnt mit dem OTA-Rollout (Video) - #androidautomotive #polestar #youtube #Google
#gwb #androidautomotive #polestar #youtube #google
#GWB - Android Automotive: Google zeigt erstmals Multiscreen-Umsetzung und YouTube-Integration (Videos) - #androidautomotive #Google
#gwb #androidautomotive #google
#GWB - Android Auto: Google öffnet die Plattform für neue Smart Home-Apps – so sollen sie aussehen (Mockup) - #androidautomotive #internetofthings #androidauto #smarthome #Google
#gwb #androidautomotive #internetofthings #androidauto #smarthome #google
#GWB - Android im Auto: Infotainment ist fest in Android-Hand – Googles starkes Momentum gegen Apple CarPlay - #androidautomotive #androidauto #Google
#gwb #androidautomotive #androidauto #google
@jsnell Interesting point re: #GM and #AndroidAutomotive is this: They just effectively blocked all Uber drivers from their EV line of vehicles.
Since Uber recently began supporting CarPlay (and the experience is flawless for drivers) I would NEVER EVER consider giving up a car with #CarPlay!
#gm #androidautomotive #carplay
Guess I won't be buying a #GeneralMotors car in the future!
"#GM [will] be phasing out #CarPlay support in future #EVs. In its partnership with #Google, it hopes that all the features you get from mirroring your #iPhone can be replaced with an #AndroidAutomotive [Yuk!] feature. GM, like #Toyota before it, wants to control the digital real estate in its vehicles. It’s a #Revenue-based and walled-garden (ironically against #Apple) decision that will cost them."
#generalmotors #gm #carplay #evs #google #iphone #androidautomotive #toyota #revenue #apple
#GWB - Android Automotive: General Motors will Googles Auto-Plattform nutzen und verzichtet auf Apple CarPlay - #androidautomotive #androidauto #Google
#gwb #androidautomotive #androidauto #google
#GWB - Android Automotive: Volkswagen will lebenslangen Support für das Infotainment-Betriebssystem bieten - #androidautomotive #androidauto #volkswagen #Google
#gwb #androidautomotive #androidauto #volkswagen #google
VW will support Android Automotive for the “lifetime” of a car—15 years - Enlarge / Volkswagen is one of a number of automakers that have migrated to An... - #infotainmentupdates #infotainmentsystem #androidautomotive #endofproduction #securitypatches #androidupdates #servicelife #endoflife #android #cars
#cars #android #endoflife #servicelife #androidupdates #securitypatches #endofproduction #androidautomotive #infotainmentsystem #infotainmentupdates
Ars Technica: VW will support Android Automotive for the “lifetime” of a car—15 years #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #infotainmentupdates #infotainmentsystem #AndroidAutomotive #endofproduction #securitypatches #androidupdates #servicelife #endoflife #android #Cars
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #infotainmentupdates #infotainmentsystem #androidautomotive #endofproduction #securitypatches #androidupdates #servicelife #endoflife #android #cars
#GWB - Android Auto: Nachfolger Google Built-in endlich in der Erfolgsspur? Apps ohne Betriebssystem kommen gut an - #androidautomotive #androidauto #Google
#gwb #androidautomotive #androidauto #google
#GWB - Android Automotive: Der erste und einzige Browser für das Infotainment-Betriebssystem – Vivaldi zum Download - #androidautomotive #androidauto #vivaldi #Google
#gwb #androidautomotive #androidauto #vivaldi #google
#GWB - Google Built-in: Diese Automarken sind schon jetzt dabei – Android Automotive kommt jetzt durch die Hintertür - #androidautomotive #androidauto #Google
#gwb #androidautomotive #androidauto #google
#GWB - Google Built-in: Mercedes-Benz bringt Google Maps und YouTube in das eigene Infotaiment-Betriebssystem - #androidautomotive #androidauto #google-maps #Google
#gwb #androidautomotive #androidauto #google