In next months I will migrate in Plasma Mobile/Desktop from Android.
So I need of a wireguard/openvpn client in Plasma environment.
Is already there a client that running both protocols there?
#opensource #openvpn #kde #KDEplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #vpn #wireguard #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform #mullvad
#opensource #openvpn #kde #kdeplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #vpn #wireguard #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform #mullvad
In next months I will migrate in Plasma Mobile/Desktop from Android.
So I need of a wireguard/openvpn client in Plasma environment.
Is already there a client that running both protocols there?
#opensource #openvpn #kde #KDEplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #vpn #wireguard #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform
#opensource #openvpn #kde #kdeplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #vpn #wireguard #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform
I need to replace most of currently used apps in my Android smartphone with the equivalent ones in Plasma Mobile.
Basically I need of a multi-assets crypto wallet, ad-free, surveillance and censorship resistance.
With the ability to manage at least: btc, bch, zec, xec, sol, ltc, arrr, xmr.
#opensource #unstoppablewallet #kde #KDEplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #cryptocurrency #crypto #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform
#opensource #unstoppablewallet #kde #kdeplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #cryptocurrency #crypto #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform
A Quillnote client for KDE Plasma?
#opensource #quillnote #kde #KDEplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #noteapp #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform
#opensource #quillnote #kde #kdeplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #noteapp #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile #crossplatform
A Quillnote client for KDE Plasma?
#opensource #quillnote #kde #KDEplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #noteapp #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile
#opensource #quillnote #kde #kdeplasma #plasmamobile #plasmadesktop #noteapp #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile
A Quillnote client for KDE Plasma?
#opensource #quillnote #kde #KDEplasma #plasmamobile #noteapp #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile
#opensource #quillnote #kde #kdeplasma #plasmamobile #noteapp #androidescape #osmigration #degoogle #deandroid #linuxmobile
Which app do I replace Transistor (radio) in Plasma Mobile?
#switchtoplasma #plasmamobile #androidescape #plasmadesktop
#kde #kdeplasma
#switchtoplasma #plasmamobile #androidescape #plasmadesktop #kde #kdeplasma
Degoogle is not enough.
It loses a lot of money and time trying to clean up, stabilize and rearrange unfree born things.
First of all, why do I have to buy a Google-branded device and enrich the crates of those who work badly and spy on me?
Second why do I have to pay a dev team (Graphene or any other Android fork) to clean up Android from its shit?
I will adopt an OS that is already born clean and privacy oriented like Plasma Mobile.
#kde #plasmamobile #degoogle #privacy #androidescape
Degoogled is not enough.
It loses a lot of money and time trying to clean up, stabilize and rearrange unfree born things.
First of all, why do I have to buy a Google-branded device and enrich the crates of those who work badly and spy on me?
Second why do I have to pay a dev team (Graphene or any other Android fork) to clean up Android from its shit?
I will adopt an OS that is already born clean and privacy oriented like Plasma Mobile.
#kde #plasmamobile #degoogle #privacy #androidescape
@kde I am planning to migrate to Plasma Mobile in next months. Currently my best problem is find a password manager. In Android I am using KeePassDX.
What .kbdx database manager have you in Plasma?
Hi. Is there a way to manage my Tutanota email account in Plasma Mobile OS?
#plasmamobile #tutanota #email #freedom #androidescape #surveillance #os
#plasmamobile #tutanota #email #freedom #androidescape #surveillance #os