Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1479 followers · 107471 posts · Server

@ocdtrekkie @catraxx @EU_Commission yeah.

Same with the making VAT mandatory to be paid at the customers' juristiction and not the tax avoidance juristiction of the , which basically killed a lot of superior domestic competition like 's which had way more favourable terms for customers AND developers/publishers!

Sadly there's neither nir so the owners couldn't sue the for the added costs and loss of profit...

#sarcasm #ttip #acta #appcenter #androidpit #gafams #EU

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1414 followers · 99813 posts · Server

@pluralistic Exactly!

We can see this in bs policies that only strenghtened the and destroyed regional and domestic competition.

For example @EU_Commission regulations re: taxation basically killed as with more favourable terms than :

#googleplay #appstore #Android #androidpit #vat #gafams

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
999 followers · 60050 posts · Server

@itzzenxx @fdroidorg As shitty as seems to be, it's the only useable alternative in the West standing since the killed all competitors to like in 2014...

#androidpit #Google #EU #googleplay #FDroid

Last updated 2 years ago