The #Andromeda Galaxy, (photo-) bombarded by satellites. This also from last night. #astronomy #astrophotography #Astrodon
#Astrodon #astrophotography #astronomy #andromeda
Ein kleiner Erfolg: Die #Andromeda Galaxy #m31 mit meiner alten Sony nex 5r 200mm auf einem SkyGuider Pro bei iso1600 und 30sek.
Wenn ich mir stellarium betrachte, ist es fast ein Wunder überhaupt ein klares Bild zu machen, insbesondere, wenn auch der Landeanflug vom #BER vorzugsweise genau durch Andromeda geht.
#andromeda #m31 #ber #Astrodon
I've reworked the levels a little to get more details on the periphery of the core. This target is incredible and makes my imagination boil... Diameter : 220,000 light-years... is there any other world among these billions of stars?
#M31 #Andromeda #galaxy
WO Zenithstar 73 III - iOptron CEM40
80x180sec exposure / #PixInsight #Photoshop
#m31 #andromeda #galaxy #pixinsight #photoshop
Camera: Canon EOS 1000D
Photo-Software: KSTARS
ISO 400
80 Lights, 90 seconds each,
25 flats, 25 darks, 25 bias,
stakked and stretched with SIRIL,
Edited with Darktable
Telesope: Skywatcher 130 PDS (130/650 reflector)
Mount: Skywatcher EQ5 with GOTO
#foto #fotografie #astronomy #galaxy #andromeda #fotomontag
#SkyWatch #Astrophotography The #Andromeda Galaxy, the nearest major galaxy to the Milky Way, is 2.5 million light years from Earth. This means that the light from its more than 1 trillion stars left the galaxy 2.5 million years ago. It is approaching the Milky Way at approximately 68 miles per second and the two galaxies are expected to collide in 3 or 4 billion years. This image is 112 two-minute exposures that I captured last night. #StillLearning
#skywatch #astrophotography #andromeda #stilllearning
Appena terminata la seconda #run di #MassEffect #Andromeda #andromedainitiative ed ovviamente non so a cosa #giocare. Ho lì #DragonAgeOrigins che mi strizza l’occhio, ma anche #Fable ammicca a più non posso… che odio
#run #masseffect #andromeda #andromedainitiative #giocare #dragonageorigins #Fable
Unser Kollege Markus Mugrauer hat uns eine SkyCam Aufnahme aus Jena geschickt.
Er schreibt dazu:
Die Perseiden am 14. August 2023, aufgenommen in einer klaren dunklen Nacht an der Uni-Sternwarte Jena über dem nordöstlichen #Horizont. Im Zentrum des Bildes befindet sich das Sternbild #Kassiopeia darunter #Perseus.
Neben der #Milchstrasse zeigt die Aufnahme noch die #Andromeda- und die #Dreiecksgalaxie sowie die beiden offenen #Sternhaufen h und chi Persei.
Foto: M. Mugrauer 2023
#perseiden #horizont #kassiopeia #perseus #milchstrasse #andromeda #dreiecksgalaxie #sternhaufen
It's time for a new and my third run of Mass Effect Andromeda. The more I play, the better my Ryder looks. It's easy for me to choose professional and casual (since casual is too sarcastic), but whenever I try to be logical, I end up switching back to being emotional before I even first land on Eos!
This game didn't deserve the hate it got, and I certainly didn't deserve to be harassed on the Facdbook page for enjoying it! #MassEffect #Andromeda #videogames #bioware #shareyourgames
#masseffect #andromeda #videogames #bioware #shareyourgames
Remembering when I spent a year? two years? on Slipstream and Ex Isle (#Andromeda forums) despite never watching a single episode of Andromeda, purely because one of my IRL friends invited me there, and the people seemed cool, so I stayed.
In der vergangenen Nacht habe ich diese Aufnahme der Andromeda-Galaxie (Messier 31) gemacht. Sie ist die unserer Milchstraße nächstgelegene Spiralgalaxie und ist nur rund 2,5 Millionen Lichtjahre von uns entfernt. Sie hat einen Durchmesser von ca. 200.000 Lichtjahren. Eine Besonderheit ist, dass sie sich auf uns zu bewegt - und zwar mit etwa 300 Kilometern pro Sekunde...
#Astrophotography #Astrofotografie #dwarfii #andromeda #galaxy #m31
#astrophotography #astrofotografie #dwarfii #andromeda #galaxy #m31
🎮 Completé el polémico #MassEffect #Andromeda. El primero de una trilogía que no verá la luz. Buen final, que cierra esta historia y sienta la bases para lo siguiente del universo Andromeda. Pudo ser más ambicioso y se queda a medias en todo.
✅ Hilo argumental. Diseño de mundos.
❌ Repetitivo. Recadero. Bugs. Gunplay.
✍️ Nota final. 6/10
#masseffect #andromeda #gaming #videojuegos
Overheard in Nexus hydroponics "you can't call a new species "the murder potato" 🤣
And there is one final message that made it to #Andromeda... That needs to be shared
Well, #MassEffect #Andromeda is in the books. Playing through the post game as a treat to myself off-stream, so I'll apologize for y'all missing movie night but you can find that on YouTube.
Next weekend we'll pick up again, going from Uncharted Worlds to plain Uncharted as we move to the PlayStation #Uncharted saga..
Same place, same time, next week
#masseffect #andromeda #uncharted
Good morning peeps and poops! It's another Sunday, so I'm gonna get gaming!
Time for another #TheSundaySessions episode of #MassEffect #Andromeda where, hopefully, we've come to the end of the road.
The race to Meridian is on, BroRyder is finally awake, we got the Angara & Krogan "on-side". I like our chances of Saving The Day (tm). starting at 10am
Come join the ride!
#thesundaysessions #masseffect #andromeda
So, got the headset on charge, a timer set and some breakfast for tomorrow. So I'm all set for another #TheSundaySessions
I'm pretty sure this will be the last #MassEffect #Andromeda session as it sure feels like I've covered everything as much as possible. (Missing a few minor sidequests).
It'll be the usual time (10am BST) and place ( )
I hope you'll join me!
#thesundaysessions #masseffect #andromeda
🎮 Llevaré casi unas 40h de #MassEffect #Andromeda y todavía quedan unos cuantos planetas por explorar.
Notas positivas y otras negativas. Entiendo el hate por los bugs de salida (ya solventados) así como aquellos que alaban los aspectos más amigables del videojuego.
Seguimos probando, pero lanzo una pregunta al aire. ¿Es esto un Mass Effect?
#masseffect #andromeda #gaming #videojuegos
Empiezo a sospechar que Mass Effect Andrómeda es ante todo una fábula sobre el putísimo desastre de dejar en manos de la "iniciativa privada" y los "emprendedores" la colonización y exploración espacial.
#MassEffect #MassEffectAndromeda #Andromeda #Nexus #Pathfinder
#masseffect #masseffectandromeda #andromeda #nexus #pathfinder
First andromeda of the season for me. I only have time to do 15-20 mins.
#astronomy #astrophotography #M31 #space #andromeda #astrodon
#astronomy #astrophotography #m31 #space #andromeda #Astrodon
#KnowledgeByte: The #Andromeda #Galaxy, also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224, is a spiral galaxy approximately 780 kiloparsecs (2.5 million light-years) from Earth, and the nearest major galaxy to the #MilkyWay.
#milkyway #galaxy #andromeda #knowledgebyte