the road ahead ...
One of my favourite subjects to photograph are lonely or derelict buildings shot on my phone from a moving car. (I am not driving).
Myself and my brother refer to these buildings as 'murder houses'.
#MurderHouses #ScenesFromAMovingCar
#silentsunday #murderhouses #scenesfromamovingcar #andypaciorekphotography
This is one of my personal favourites of the photos I have taken. It has the feel of an Andrew Wyeth painting I think.
Sacred Hills. Roseberry Topping & Freebrough Hill
#NorthumbriaGhostloreSociety #NorthYorkshire #AndyPaciorekPhotography #RoseberryTopping
#https #northumbriaghostloresociety #northyorkshire #andypaciorekphotography #roseberrytopping