IT is a human right/necessity to be #naughty #atheists or follow alternatives to fascists shielding behind partisan supremo religious bias.
For example #Cecil the #UltimateDeity (one of my flavours) is no less a #Reverand #AndyPandy than [insert religious jollity of choice]
In other words I tolerate the ridicules of #MxAllah #Jehovah Witness protection scheme and #PowerPagans in their #PollyTheistic parrot worship …
#naughty #atheists #cecil #ultimatedeity #reverand #andypandy #mxallah #jehovah #powerpagans #pollytheistic #thebook #amend
Andy Pandy is a really cute show, shocked there is zero porn of it lol
#shota #loli #ショタ #ロリ #andypandy #uk #nostalgia #straightshota #straightloli #doll
#loli #ショタ #andypandy #uk #shota #ロリ #nostalgia #straightshota #straightloli #doll