In "Inferno of Corporal" resigned U.S. Marshal Jade Legend (#MichelleWilliams) serves payback after her husband Patton (#AndySerkis) is murdered in rural Ohio by the racist media mogul Michael Steiner (#EdHarris) and the shapeshifting troll Natalia Brewster (#ZoeKravitz). - #CineMastodon #Movies
#michellewilliams #andyserkis #edharris #zoekravitz #cinemastodon #movies
#LOTR adventure started with Hobbit. Read by Andy Serkis. The dude is seriously amazing.
#LOTR #AndySerkis #LordOfTheRings #Hobbit #Books #Bookstodon
#bookstodon #books #hobbit #lordoftherings #andyserkis #lotr
Bro I know you've read the #TheSilmarillion but have you read The Silmarillion on ... #AndySerkis?
Also irgendwie sind die doch verwandt oder aus dem gleichen Template generiert oder sowas? 😅 #BenjaminBiolay #BenicioDelToro #AndySerkis
#benjaminbiolay #beniciodeltoro #andyserkis
Ugh, fine, the Tolkien estate and Andy Serkis can have more of my money, I guess: #Silmarillion #AndySerkis
¡Aiya Tolkiendili!
Para los que no lo sepáis, quedan ya 10 días para esta exclusividad! 🥰
#tokien #AndySerkis #ElSilmarillion
#tokien #andyserkis #ElSilmarillion
The only ship worth shipping is Hámaum (Háma and Gollum) from The Lord of the Rings. #LOTR #LordOfTheRings #Tolkien #Háma #JohnLeigh #Gollum #AndySerkis
#lotr #lordoftherings #tolkien #hama #johnleigh #gollum #andyserkis
We utterly stan Eothain and Gollum from The Lord of the Rings. #LOTR #LordOfTheRings #Tolkien #Eothain #SamComery #Gollum #AndySerkis
#lotr #lordoftherings #tolkien #eothain #samcomery #gollum #andyserkis
Kotaku: The Lord Of The Rings Game About Gollum Is Getting Absolutely Roasted #gaming #tech #kotaku #stealthactionadventure #daedalicentertainment #englishlanguagefilms #thereturnoftheking #giovannicolantonio #thelordoftherings #newzealandfilms #lordoftherings #digitaltrends #creativeworks #britishfilms #andyserkis #squareenix #literature #tolkien #onering #gollum #films #nacon #orc #hp
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #stealthactionadventure #daedalicentertainment #englishlanguagefilms #thereturnoftheking #giovannicolantonio #TheLordOfTheRings #newzealandfilms #lordoftherings #digitaltrends #creativeworks #britishfilms #andyserkis #squareenix #literature #tolkien #onering #gollum #films #nacon #orc #hp
The only ship worth shipping is Orcum (Lurtz and Gollum) from The Lord of the Rings. #LOTR #LordOfTheRings #Tolkien #Lurtz #LawrenceMakoare #Gollum #AndySerkis
#lotr #lordoftherings #tolkien #lurtz #lawrencemakoare #gollum #andyserkis
I love #AndySerkis. 💕 He was BRILLIANT as Kino Loy on #Andor (and of course #LOTR and #planetoftheapes) #StarWars #Disney #GeorgeLucas #KathleenKennedy PLEASE let there be another season of Andor! 🙏
#StarWarsCelebration #YESSWC2023
#andyserkis #andor #lotr #planetoftheapes #starwars #disney #GeorgeLucas #starwarscelebration #kathleenkennedy #yesswc2023
The Balls on him (Andy Serkis) were Gigantic, I mean the ones on his suit. Love checking out the sofa chats with The Corridor Crew on VFX. #VFX #CorridorCrew #AndySerkis #EricSaindon #Gollum #GreenKnight #AlitaBattleAngel
#vfx #corridorcrew #andyserkis #ericsaindon #gollum #GreenKnight #alitabattleangel
#IdrisElba macht erneut als britischer „Batman“-mäßiger DCI #Luther eine gute Figur, auch #AndySerkis als britischer „Joker“ empfiehlt sich durchaus für weitere Antagonisten-Performances in kommenden Großproduktionen. Trotz der interessanten Grundidee (Gut betuchter Trader wendet sich gegen den Staat, da er sich gefälligst aus seinem Tötungsdelikt-Hobby rauszuhalten habe) ist #LutherTheFallenSun durchaus generisch wenig spannend inszeniert und an mancher Stelle sehr gehetzt runtererzählt.
#idriselba #luther #andyserkis #lutherthefallensun
Here’s the TV Series We Can’t Wait to Watch in 2023 [UPDATED] | #entertainment2cculture #thewaltdisneycompany #giancarloesposito #nikolehannahjones #alessandronivola #andrc3a9holland #natasharothwell #bertschneider #davidtennant #cynthiaerivo #bumpyjohnson #carlweathers #ririwilliams #mandalorian #glynnturman #hueypnewton #mosesingram #moffgideon #ncutigatwa #andyserkis #ecommerce #charlotte #idriselba #louie
#entertainment2cculture #thewaltdisneycompany #giancarloesposito #nikolehannahjones #alessandronivola #andrc3a9holland #natasharothwell #bertschneider #davidtennant #cynthiaerivo #bumpyjohnson #carlweathers #ririwilliams #mandalorian #glynnturman #hueypnewton #mosesingram #moffgideon #ncutigatwa #andyserkis #ecommerce #charlotte #idriselba #louie
#andyserkis #lordoftherings #gollum #hobbits #smeagol #middleearth #theshire #tolkien #tolkienart #tolkienfan #fanart #toyphotography #lotr #fantasyart #practicaleffects #actionfigurephotography #actionfigures #creativephotography #miniaturephotography
#andyserkis #lordoftherings #gollum #hobbits #smeagol #middleearth #theshire #tolkien #TolkienArt #tolkienfan #fanart #toyphotography #lotr #fantasyart #practicaleffects #actionfigurephotography #actionfigures #creativephotography #miniaturephotography
Been watching the old BBC documentary series, Simon Schama's The Power of Art (2006) today on Daily Motion (thankfully ad-free on the Firestick, unlike youtube with it's constant irritation) and I'd forgotten episode 6 has Andy Serkis as Vincent Van.Gogh.
#SimonSchama #VanGogh #art # artists #AndySerkis
#SimonSchama #vangogh #art #andyserkis
Here’s the TV Series We Can’t Wait to Watch in 2023 | #entertainment2cculture #thewaltdisneycompany #giancarloesposito #nikolehannahjones #alessandronivola #andrc3a9holland #natasharothwell #bertschneider #humaninterest #intelevision #davidtennant #cynthiaerivo #bumpyjohnson #carlweathers #ririwilliams #glynnturman #hueypnewton #mosesingram #mandalorian #moffgideon #ncutigatwa #andyserkis #greefkarga #melissa
#entertainment2cculture #thewaltdisneycompany #giancarloesposito #nikolehannahjones #alessandronivola #andrc3a9holland #natasharothwell #bertschneider #humaninterest #intelevision #davidtennant #cynthiaerivo #bumpyjohnson #carlweathers #ririwilliams #glynnturman #hueypnewton #mosesingram #mandalorian #moffgideon #ncutigatwa #andyserkis #greefkarga #melissa
Smigole Serkis? Basil Foulty? Looks like CDPR was having some fun putting cameos in their NPC names 😄 #TheWitcher3 #Smeagol #AndySerkis #BasilFawlty
#basilfawlty #andyserkis #smeagol #thewitcher3
A thread.
I'll say it again. #AndySerkis as #KinoLoy is absolutely incredible in this series!
The look on his face right when realized they were all going to die in that hellhole of a prison if he didn't! I've been saying "wow" a lot in my own mind as I watch the storylines unfold in this series.
When the prisoners were all chanting "One way out!" over and over, all the emotions came racing to the surface after seeing the horrible....
#andyserkis #kinoloy #StarWars
So I'm currently on Andor E109 and all I can say is WOW! The cast is killing it! And #AndySerkis as #KinoLoy is just blowing me away.
The whole Narkina 5 Imperial prison planet storyline introduced in E108 was so depressing at first, but I can't look away. Locking your main character up for multiple episodes in the 2nd half of the first season is a risky gamble that, in my opinion, is paying dividends.
More thoughts to follow throughout the week.
#andyserkis #kinoloy #StarWars