Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
153 followers · 454 posts · Server

Tomorrow or Sunday, I hope to post a thread about Pella's Column. It is a location that is intended to ground readers and players in a familiar fantasy world. I've touched on it before to explain how I split Cypher System species into kith (your culture) and kin (your ancestry).

This new thread will touch on Far Horizon kith and kin as well as the guilds, mystery cults, and coffee cultivation.

Everyone on Pella's Column is from somewhere else.

#worldbuilding #pellascolumn #anexiletus

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
153 followers · 441 posts · Server

Today's thread is about the lost island of Porta Nile. It's not lost in the sense it lies in a secret location. It's lost due to the presence of the intellgent crabmen of the Hlong Khaghee. When they appeared over 300 years ago, port cities facing the mainland disappeared. When trading companies searched for them, sailors described gleaming metal towers and white stone buildings built without mortar.

#worldbuilding #anexiletus #portanile

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
153 followers · 381 posts · Server

Salt Magic combines the Channel Divinity and Crafts Unique Objects Foci

There's no mechanical reason for 15 types of dragons, so the story has 7 Families of dragons to differentiate one type for another. The stats are changing a flavor of the breath weapon and substituitng abilities.

Voidships are starships with a different engines.

The Big Bad has a Power Shift.

I feel like I an editing a game that already exists, yet writing the story that doesn't.

#worldbuilding #cyphersystem #anexiletus

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
153 followers · 380 posts · Server

So now I am using the Cypher System as it hits the right place for me between pleasing math and just getting to what the story is.

There is no XP for defeating monsters, so I am not generating a forever bestiary full of creatures that may only be used once. I mean, I love making them, but I end up spending all my time thinking about combat.

With all the abilities written out, magic items are tweaks. e.g. The Ship's Wheel is the Impossible Hack ability.

#worldbuilding #anexiletus #cyphersystem

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
153 followers · 378 posts · Server

I do the worldbuilding threads here because the constraint of 500 character limit (450 - 460 depending on the tags) forced me to focus on one thought at a time. I learned this on Twitter.

As this is a different app, I can export what I wrote in a thread to create an outline more easily. I can reference my universe with the unique tag of Anexiletus.

From there, I can put all of this into my copy of Fantasia Archive with a backup to Google drive.

#worldbuilding #anexiletus

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
152 followers · 371 posts · Server

In game terms, Pirate's Wheels use the Hack the Impossible a ability. Cyphers usually allow pirating a ship in an action.

This ability can also be learned as a ritual spe or a fantasy spell

Artifacts that work as Pirates' Wheels can only be attuned to one ships at a time.

#worldbuilding #cyphersystem #anexiletus

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
152 followers · 370 posts · Server

Pirate's wheels can take as long as an hour or as little as a few seconds. The faster a Pirate Wheel can take over a ship, the more expensive and time-consuming it is to make that wheel.

Some captains learn a ritual spell to commandeer a ship, others rely on various charms and tchotchkes. A few magic wheels exist, but are rare.

#worldbuilding #anexiletus

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
152 followers · 369 posts · Server

Except for ships that travel through The Needle, airships are controlled by a Ship's Wheel. The Ship's Wheel looks like a smooth stretched wooden penrose triangle. A wheel is usually kept by the captain at all times.

Each wheel is attuned to a specific ship and will only be able to activate and pilot that specific ship.

Pirates, though, have their own wheels that can act as a given ship's true Ship's Wheel.

#worldbuilding #anexiletus

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
152 followers · 351 posts · Server

Dewa do not know that if they visit the moon associated with their affliction, that they will stay humanoid as long as they are on the moon itself. If they visit Maca, they will change everyday and will eventually die.

Dewa that visit other worlds will still change every ten days.

Anexiletus speaks of The Wolf Lord in his three book series, En Lycan, but describes them as a shapeshifter made of 'shadow and smoke'.

#worldbuilding #lycanthrope #anexiletus

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
150 followers · 315 posts · Server

Salt has five primary colors representing the five types of tastes. Raw blocks of brown salt can be refined to the five types by anyone with the right materials, but some colors are quite rare, especially black salt which produces umami.

Salt mages, however, can use the salt to craft magic. In a sense, they unburl and reburl the fire inside the salts by the combination of colors and exerting their will.

#worldbuilding #anexiletus

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
150 followers · 314 posts · Server

Burl and Salt

Refining the worldbuilding to remove 5e lore, I finally came up with a term I like for a fundamental process. In short, by force of will, any creature can give substance to the tapestry of the ether. This force of will puts stress on the ether creating a burl. As the burl grows, it creates the seven elements. As the elements burl; wind, ice, stone, life, gems, and metal are formed. Burled fire, however, creates the salts: the fuel of the salt mages.

#worldbuilding #anexiletus

Last updated 2 years ago