"In" Bulacan, the elevation of #AngatDam also rose by more than 3 m due to the continuous rains since Wednesday, according to the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office.
Angat Dam supplies 97 percent of the water requirements of #MetroManila and the irrigation needs of #Bulacan and #Pampanga farmers.*
#Luzon dam levels up, thanks to #Egay rains | Inquirer News
#egay #luzon #pampanga #bulacan #metromanila #angatdam
"The recent rainfall added two meters to #AngatDam’s water level, said David. However, he said that Angat Dam needs to reach 208 meters to assure #MetroManila residents they will have enough water until next year." #WaterCrisis #Philippines #ElNiño
Recent #rainfall good for 5 to 7 days of Metro Manila water supply — DENR
#rainfall #elnino #philippines #watercrisis #metromanila #angatdam
"#Isabela, #Philippines — Water levels at #MagatDam in Isabela province and #AngatDam in #Bulacan province continue to drop to almost their critical levels as the dry spell brought about by the #El Niño phenomenon persists."
On Wednesday, Magat Dam’s water level registered 162.89 meters, slightly above its 160-meter critical level and the lowest level recorded at the reservoir in this town this year." #WaterCrisis
Water levels in #Luzon dams keep dropping
#luzon #watercrisis #el #bulacan #angatdam #magatdam #philippines #Isabela
"Water volume coming from #Angat to MWSS is being reduced from 52 cubic meters per second (CMS)—or about 4,177 million liters per day (equivalent to around 1,600 Olympic-sized swimming pools)—to 48 CMS.
#MWSS earlier notified households to prepare for supply interruptions that could last up to nine hours a day, particularly within the #Maynilad concession area, starting July 12 at the earliest." #Philippines
#AngatDam now below minimum operating level | Inquirer News
#angatdam #philippines #maynilad #mwss #angat
Start readying your water containers just in case. At <180m water will be diverted from the hydroelectric power plants. #BrownOuts
"Water coming from #Angat — estimated at 4,000 million liters per day — flows to the #LaMesa and #Ipo dams to help deliver supply to #MetroManila and nearby provinces through water concessionaires Maynilad Water Services Inc. and Manila Water Co. Inc." #AngatDam #Philippines
#AngatWaterLevel continues to drop at onset of #ElNiño
#elnino #angatwaterlevel #philippines #angatdam #metromanila #ipo #LaMesa #angat #brownouts