Rest in Peace Angelo Badalamenti! May the ethereal Twin Peaks soundtrack roam forever! #twinpeaks #AngeloBadalmenti #theowlsarenotwhattheyseem
#twinpeaks #angelobadalmenti #theowlsarenotwhattheyseem
I’ve just learned the sad news of the passing of Angelo Badalmenti. Like many I first became aware of his work through the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack to Twin Peaks. I remember a few years ago he was giving an interview about how he lived the emotions of the character on screen when composing. He left a legacy of memorable and unique compositions. RIP #AngeloBadalmenti
I’ve just learned the sad news of the passing of Angelo Badalmenti. Like many I first became aware of his work through the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack to Twin Peaks. I remember a few years ago he was giving an interview about how he lived the emotions of the character on screen when composing. He left a legacy of memorable and unique compositions. RIP #AngeloBadalmenti