#Psychology of #Angering:
Anger is basically a meaningless feeling that is not helpful in everyday life. It serves the uninhibited degradation of energy.
Kurt Tucholsky once said:
"The annoying thing about anger is that you harm yourself without benefiting others."
On a lush, 55,000-sq ft undeveloped plot of land in SE DC two two towering #WhiteOakTrees more than 100 ft tall more than 100 in in circumference have stood sentry over the District’s easternmost tip for decades. Sometime in the past 2yrs someone injected them w #poison to #kill them. #ProtectingTrees & #angering #developers. #Stop #killing our #trees so you can make more money! https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/02/10/dc-poisoned-heritage-trees/ #TreeCanopy #Trees in #DC disappearing due to developer greed.
#whiteoaktrees #poison #kill #protectingtrees #angering #developers #stop #killing #Trees #treecanopy #dc