#WaybackWednesday #review #Änglagård — Epilog #anglagard Classic 90s #ProgRock http://expose.org/index.php/articles/display/nglagrd-epilog-42.html
#progrock #anglagard #review #waybackwednesday
New #review today: "The Lost Vision of the #ChandooPriest is a new Italian project by two young musicians: Francesca Zanetta and Niccolò Gallani... The resulting ten instrumentals feature majestic guitar melodies, strong organ driven themes, and prog jazz fusion conjuring images of #WishboneAsh, #PinkFloyd, #Anekdoten, and #Änglagård." #ExposeOnline #ProgRock http://expose.org/index.php/articles/display/the-lost-vision-of-the-chandoo-priest-the-lost-vision-of-the-chandoo-priest-6.html
#progrock #exposeonline #anglagard #Anekdoten #pinkfloyd #wishboneash #chandoopriest #review
#Änglagård hör till den lilla grupp filmer man kan se om och om igen och ändå ha behållning av.