Russia Sends Starcraft To Moon
[In "Anglish", that is English without Romance words]
Today, I learned about the satirical #Anglish movement which aims to remove non-English root words from our vocabulary to simplify our ever-expanding language. It's funny because this is exactly how I would explain Quantum Mechanics to a time-travelling Erik the Red.
Today, I learned about the satirical #Anglish movement which aims to remove non-English root words from our vocabulary to simplify our ever-expanding language. It's funny because this is exactly how I would explain Quantum Mechanics to a time-travelling Erik the Red.
The short story linked to in this article ("Uncleftish Beholding") is perhaps the most interesting introduction to chemistry and physics that I've ever read. #PoulAnderson #english #anglish
Anglish: English without the imported stuff | #BoingBoing
#poulanderson #english #anglish #boingboing
I'm more or less bilingual (#Spanish and #English). I've been thinking about how to communicate with a sense of otherness in both languages. I was considering mangling #Asturian, #Aragonese, or one of the other Iberian tongues, since that would be easier for a native Spanish speaker like myself. Google, in its own twisted, helpful way just recommended me a#YouTube #video about #Anglish... Well, to a rabbit hole I go, then.
#spanish #english #asturian #aragonese #video #anglish #linguistics #anglishlanguage
Yes, indeed. For me it's interesting to dive into these vocabularies and find out about language development and the histories of the people who used them. But there's potentially a darker side to '#Anglish' which promotes an insular and perhaps #fascist position I'd hope people wouldn't adopt.
You're absolutely right. Language develops by convention, so whatever most people say is 'correct'. Artificial constraints are unnatural and will tend to be rejected by most people.
'#Anglish' - #English Without The Foreign Bits - #RobWords
#AnglishLanguage #Language #EnglishLanguage #French #Latin #Vocabulary #AngloSaxonVocabulary #AngloSaxon #Vocabulary
#anglosaxon #anglosaxonvocabulary #vocabulary #latin #french #englishlanguage #language #anglishlanguage #robwords #english #anglish
I want to make a bot that posts articles to the Fedi but I have way more projects than time... #anglish #bots #conlangs