Seb Ordonez (@WarOnWant) : Today, we stand united- environmental & human rights defenders, indigenous leaders, who know that our climate-critical ecosystems and our livelihoods are the last line of defence against mining companies and ecological disaster.
Lara Bletcher (@LAPFForum ): @AngloAmerican says they are leaders in environmental issues, but we have spoken with affected communities and we have realized that the company doesn´t necessarily have a relationship with them, especially in #BrazilChroniclesbegin #AngloAmericanAGM
#brazilchroniclesbegin #angloamericanagm
We are supporting in solidarity to frontline defenders from #Chile #Peru and #Brazil affected by @AngloAmerican to demand reparations to the communities in Latin America, to stop destroying the mother earth and defend the glaciers in Chile.
#chile #peru #brazil #angloamericanagm #waterforall
We are outside the #AngloAmericanAGM with environmental and indigenous leaders from communities affected by @AngloAmerican . They will present their demands to the company. Victoria Uranga from #Chile, Carlos Mitraud from #Brazil and Lourdes Huanca from #Peru
#angloamericanagm #chile #brazil #peru #waterforall
In Brazil, Anglo American's operations threaten the safety of the water. Its Sapo dam has exceeded the limits established by law and local communities fear that it may collapse. Anglo American must do more to guarantee their safety. #AngloAmericanAGM
When @AngloAmerican holds its AGM on 26 April, we will be staging an artistic intervention with Amanda Piña. Come and join us in solidarity with communities fighting extractivism across Latin America! #AngloAmericanAGM
In Chile, @AngloAmerican's mines deplete water from an already drought-stricken region. The local environment and people suffer so the company can increase its profits. It's time for Anglo American to fix the harm it has done. #AngloAmericanAGM