Les #chercheurs non #anglophones fortement désavantagés dans les publications scientifiques
Une étude américano-australienne met en évidence les handicaps que doivent surmonter les scientifiques dont la langue maternelle n’est pas l’anglais. Un coût élevé pour leurs carrières, mais aussi pour l’innovation.
The #Senate has voted overwhelmingly to adopt Bill C-13, an overhaul of the #OfficialLanguagesAct that has caused anger and sparked concern among #Quebec #Anglophones, one of the communities the law is intended to protect.
The #UpperHouse rejected a proposed amendment – backed by Quebec #Senators #TonyLoffreda and #JudithSeidman – that would have removed references to Quebec’s #CharterOfTheFrenchLanguage, commonly known as #Bill101, from #BillC13.
#senate #officiallanguagesact #quebec #anglophones #upperhouse #senators #tonyloffreda #judithseidman #charterofthefrenchlanguage #bill101 #billc13 #qcgn #canpol #qcpol
#Quebec #anglophones will lose jobs & access 2 #English services, w/ their #ConstitutionalRights left 2 whims o provincial government under proposed new federal #language legislation, a #Senate committee has heard.
“The reality is, when you require things be done in #French but permit them 2 be done in English, businesses will stop hiring anglophones & operate solely in French 2 keep costs down,” Janice Naymark told Senate’s #OfficialLanguagesCommittee.
#quebec #anglophones #english #constitutionalrights #language #senate #french #officiallanguagescommittee #qcpoli #billc13
Mes comptes #francophones :
@marcjestin => tout public
@marcjestin@mastouille.fr => professionnels du #numérique et assimilés
@marcjestin@mastodon.top => administrateurs, modérateurs, et intervenants #Fediverse dont #Mastodon
@mj0711 => compte perso (infos, santé, météo, ciel et espace…).
Mes comptes #anglophones :
@marcjestin@ioc.exchange => #numérique (généraliste) et autres sujets (santé…)
@marcjestin@floss.social => #FLOSS #Linux etc.
@marcjestin@infosec.exchange => Sécurité numérique.
#francophones #numerique #fediverse #mastodon #anglophones #floss #linux
En effet plus qu'on le pense.
RT @JoceArch@twitter.com
J'aimerais saluer les #anglophones et les nouveaux arrivants/#immigrants qui font preuve de sensibilité concernant les enjeux actuels et la fragilité du #Français au #Québec. Ils sont quand même plusieurs.✌️ Merci! Vous voulez pratiquer, je suis dispo😘
#anglophones #français #québec
"Après la Coalition avenir Québec qui les a exclus et le Parti libéral du Québec qui les a tenus pour acquis, Éric Duhaime a offert une alternative aux anglophones."
Duhaime invite les anglophones à tourner la page: https://lp.ca/mYI9ld?sharing=true
#ÉricDuhaime #polqc #anglophones #WestIsland #PCQ #PLQ
#lapresse #plq #PCQ #WestIsland #anglophones #polqc #ÉricDuhaime
Eliminating government forms in English just creates an additional hassle, not so much that #anglophones will flee #Québec (given their current level of bilingualism), but it won't turn them francophone either. It certainly won't stop the decline of French, if that is even happening.
#français #french #polqc #québec #anglophones
"[W]hen Fraser says that Quebec’s English-speaking population is angry like never before, one must take the situation seriously. “We feel abandoned,” she told me this week. “For 50 years, we have been told that we have to adapt to the changes in Quebec society. But we get the feeling that it’s never enough, that each time we adapt, the goal posts are moved.” This perception is correct."
#nationalpost #anglophones #polqc #AndréPratte