wærborh [ ᚹᚫᚱᛒᚩᚱᚻ ] : faith-pledge
wær: truth ; faith / fidelity ; friendship / agreement ; promise
borh/borg: pledge
Pronunciation: https://files-thefolklore-cafe.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/attachments/waerborh.m4a
The wærborh is a deep pledge, one that binds a person; more than just a legal agreement, it is an oath that is attached to oneself.
Example: Gif man ofslægen weorðe, gylde hine man swá hé geboren sý. And riht is ðæt se slaga, siþþan hé weres beweddod hæbbe, finde ðærtó wærborh...
Translation: If man kills the first person he sees he must pay the price of his worth. It is right that the killer pledges this and is bound by the faith-pledge.
ie: If you kill someone you must pay what that person is worth in a fine and he is bound to this
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