kuchinster · @kuchinster
9 followers · 205 posts · Server mas.to

@yogthos The concentration camp is an Anglo-Saxon invention.

#anglosaxons #concentrationcamp

Last updated 1 year ago

Julien Brice · @julbriman
14 followers · 18 posts · Server piaille.fr

Notons tout de même que le est d'abord et avant tout la fête de Deusdedit, sixième archevêque de Cantorbéry.


#14juillet #anglosaxons

Last updated 1 year ago

Julien Brice · @julbriman
3 followers · 1 posts · Server piaille.fr
Se7h 💻 🐃 🐧 · @Se7h
381 followers · 4719 posts · Server mastodon.xyz
Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
2957 followers · 2049 posts · Server thefolklore.cafe

22nd April, Today we commemorate the last British King, and last king of the Arwald.

On this day in 686, Cædwalla, King of Wessex invaded the kingdom of Wihtwara, the land of Whit [ ᚹᛁᚻᛏ ] (Spirits / Supernatural Beings).

Arwald had sent his two son to his kinsfolk, the Meonwara to keep them safe.

Due to their superior size, the army of Cædwalla were victorious. However, not without many casualties. says that Arwald dealt Cædwalla a near fatal wound that never healed and would ultimately take his life many years later. The story says, that the last curse, uttered using the last of the old magic was from Arwald's lips as he struck Cædwalla.

After the battle, Cædwalla sent his men the commit genocide on the island. A memory that still runs deep on the Island, even to this day.

The two princes were also betrayed after they had been forced to convert to -- Cædwalla had them killed.

This is not the of the story, the sister of Arwald was the wife of the King of and was the great great great Grandmother of . One could argue, the line of Wiht is behind the whole of the British royal family.



#pagan #isleofwight #jutish #folklore #christianity #kent #alfredthegreat #oldenglish #histodons #medievodons #anglosaxons #anglosaxonsaturday #paganism

Last updated 2 years ago

Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
2948 followers · 2030 posts · Server thefolklore.cafe

Quite and interesting article:

English speakers know that their language is odd. So do people saddled with learning it non-natively. The oddity that we all perceive most readily is its spelling, which is indeed a nightmare. In countries where English isn’t spoken, there is no such thing as a ‘spelling bee’ competition. For a normal language, spelling at least pretends a basic correspondence to the way people pronounce the words. But English is not normal.



#histodons #anglosaxon #anglosaxons #oldenglish

Last updated 2 years ago

@mspcommentary @kityates and one that equates to true . Especially for us (the clue is in the name!). So sad at this agenda , , not to mention and

#british #values #anglosaxons #asylum #lineker #attenborough #ClimateEmergency

Last updated 2 years ago

Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
2846 followers · 1715 posts · Server thefolklore.cafe

Last post in honour of -- The and knew as Hreðemónaþ or Month of Hreðe.

There is very little known about this Goddess, her precise nature and significance remain shrouded in mystery.

Some have suggested that Hreðe was a goddess of victory and glory, celebrated by warriors who sought her favor in battle. Others, however, see her as a more sinister figure, associated with the violence and destruction that inevitably accompany conflict.

What is clear is that Hreðe was a powerful figure, one who inspired both reverence and possibly fear. Her name is derived from "hréþ" which means "glorious victory" and the verb hréðan means "to exult and rejoice". Because of this, she has been associated with war, in particular victory in war.

Another definition is: Quickly, immediately, at once, soon, forthwith, straightway. This could be a clue to the nature of her as well -- She is the Goddess of March, and this may refer to how swiftly weather changes, one day warm and the next still winter.

Hreðe may represent the fight and eventual triumph over the dark and cold of winter.

Some have suggested her name means "curl", but that is a mistranslation of the "reþe"

Ultimately, the true nature and significance of Hreðe may never be fully understood. But what is clear is that she remains a compelling and complex figure.


#internationalwomensday #jutes #anglosaxons #march #oldenglish #histodon #medievodons

Last updated 2 years ago

Russell Sandberg · @sandbergrlaw
321 followers · 182 posts · Server toot.wales
· @estelle
12 followers · 43 posts · Server infosec.exchange

Dans "Anatomie des Anglais" d'Emerson, "force physique, vigueur, , énergie se dégagent comme étant le prolongement naturel du gout pour le sang des premiers Saxons qu'il présente avec amour."
Nell Irvin in "Histoire des Blancs" (2010)

#virilite #painter #anglosaxons #racisme #supremacismeblanc #blanchite #lecturedecoloniale

Last updated 2 years ago

Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
2745 followers · 1525 posts · Server thefolklore.cafe

Bit of a special today:

bróðormægen [ ᛒᚱᚩᚦᚩᚱᛗᚫᚷᛖᚾ ] : bothers in magic

bróðor: brother
mægen: strength ; power / magical power

Pronunciation: files-thefolklore-cafe.ams3.di

This is a title used the users of the deepest of magics, those that are brothers by magics deeper than blood. Brothers in power, strength and magic.

Those of us who know , know we are all bróðormægen.


#oldenglish #wordoftheday #hookland #anglosaxons #jutish #histodons #pagan #paganism #fairytaletuesday #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago

Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
2676 followers · 1452 posts · Server thefolklore.cafe

It's time and today, in honour of we are going with

spelspreca [ᛋᛈᛖᛚᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳᚪ]:
prose-speaker; storyteller

spel(l): prose / work or prose

spreca: A speaker / one who speaks in council / Speaks with authority

Pronunciation: files-thefolklore-cafe.ams3.di

This is the title of a great storyteller, the person who tells the tales or greatness, adventure, of mourning and loss. There is no coincidence that we say stories are "spell-binding"; for the and , telling stories were the deepest of magics. Every evocative word invoked the most powerful of spells.


#oldenglish #wordoftheday #nationalstorytellingweek #anglosaxons #jutes #histodons #medieval #earlymedieval #medievodons #folklore #folklorethursday #storytelling

Last updated 2 years ago

Julien Brice · @julbriman
30 followers · 114 posts · Server mastouille.fr

Attendez, quoi ?

#anglosaxons #wikipedia

Last updated 2 years ago

Phil Buckley · @philbuckley5
19 followers · 20 posts · Server home.social

I finished the last night at 2230 and started The by Tony Hillerman.

By 1300 today I had finished. So gripping I cancelled everything apart from reading it.

#anglosaxons #ghostway

Last updated 2 years ago

Phil Buckley · @philbuckley5
19 followers · 20 posts · Server home.social

The by Marc Morris is as good a tour of British history c400-1066 as possible. It's fascinating, engaging, and never dumbed down.

But. What with the Conquest having been largely theft and murder, I had vaguely imagined that pre-1066 things were ok.

This was wrong.


Last updated 2 years ago

Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
2463 followers · 1188 posts · Server thefolklore.cafe
jonquark · @jonquark
50 followers · 104 posts · Server mastodon.org.uk

Going to see 878ad.co.uk in Winchester next weekend. Looking forward to it but don't really know what to expect

#878ad #winchester #alfredthegreat #anglosaxons

Last updated 2 years ago

Red Dog · @Old_Red_Dog
89 followers · 148 posts · Server mas.to

Look at this beauty of a Christmas present

#johnblair #books #anglosaxons #oldenglish

Last updated 2 years ago

Johan Roux 🏳️‍🌈 · @RouxJ
1964 followers · 3960 posts · Server mstdn.social

Now the are going to save the , because they are “our ” 🤦‍♂️😂

“For centuries, the oppressed the Indians, and the Indians are our Russians, they came from Russia there, ask the great anthropologist .”

⁉️ Some more madness 💩

#Russian #anglosaxons #drobyshevsky #indians #russians

Last updated 2 years ago

subrote 🏳️‍⚧️ · @subrote
410 followers · 1276 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Ok so Tolkien felt the were like the best thing ever right? He loved the language and the and the history.

The pinnacle of anglo-saxon fanboyism has to be . At the end he fights and kills a dragon. The dragon is aroused because a thief steals a cup. The page before that is missing so we never know why he would steal the cup

Enter the fanboy who writes The as a giant fanfic to explain why a thief stole a cup from a dragon that a hero has to slay.

#anglosaxons #mythology #beowulf #tolkien #hobbit

Last updated 2 years ago