The Topi, a subspecies of the common tsessebe, is a highly social antelope found in the grasslands of East Africa. Their impressive agility and speed are vital for survival in their habitat, as they share the land with predators like lions, leopards, and hyenas.
🦌 Masai Mara | Kenya

#animal_sultans #wild_about_africa #wildlifesafari #animal_bestshots #wildanimals #africanwildlifephotography #BBCWildlifePOTD #bownaankamal #discoverwildlife #waowafrica

Last updated 2 years ago

This moment is a perfect example of human – wildlife conflict. If you take a close lookup at the horn of the male mountain nyala, a nylon thread can be seen.

Not only the Mountain Nyalas, there are other species which live close to human conflict zones in many of the Ethiopian regions.
🦌 Dinsho | Ethiopia

#discovery #lovelyanimals #animalcaptures #mountainnyala #ethiopianwildlife #dinsho #bownaankamal #safarilife #nature #liveforthestory #natureinfocus #animal_sultans #naturein_focus

Last updated 2 years ago