Global News BC: Pandemic pet boom hits bust as B.C. shelters see influx of animals #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #COVIDtrendanimalbreeders #COVIDanimaltrend #goldenretrievers #centralinterior #AnimalAdoption #animalbreeders #COVIDpettrend #PetAdoption #BCInterior #COVIDtrend #pettrend #Quesnel #Canada #BCSPCA #SPCA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #covidtrendanimalbreeders #covidanimaltrend #goldenretrievers #centralinterior #animaladoption #animalbreeders #covidpettrend #petadoption #BCInterior #covidtrend #pettrend #quesnel #Canada #BCSPCA #spca
Per Alex Zeldin (@JewishWonk)
An #AnimalShelter just north of #NewYork City is closing at the end of January. Any animals remaining will be euthanized. 20 cats and 12 dogs remain per a volunteer at the shelter.
If you were thinking about adopting, here's a real opportunity to rescue.
#MtVernonAnimalShelter #AdoptDontShop #AnimalAdoption
Please boost!
#animalshelter #newyork #mtvernonanimalshelter #adoptdontshop #animaladoption
#animaladoption #animalshelter #monroecounty #bloomington #animalwelfare
@sheldricktrust hVe so many animals to care for, Day 4 of the advent calendar is another sweet fellow 🐘💜 #elephants #animaladoption