EARTH OVERSHOOT DAY: Humanity now lives on natural resources borrowed from the future
Wednesday, 2 August marked a devastating reminder about the severe imbalance between the current use of Earth’s natural resources and that which the planet can produce in a year. In less than eight months, we have arrived at Earth Overshoot Day.
#overshootday #resources #usedfortheyear #naturalresurces #earth #capitalism #inefficiency #waste #bigoil #lumber #animalag #consume
#overshootday #resources #usedfortheyear #naturalresurces #earth #capitalism #inefficiency #waste #bigoil #lumber #animalag #consume
Why is healthy food so expensive in America? Blame the Farm Bill that Congress always renews to make burgers cheaper than salad
'Farm Bill programs should be revised to incentivize fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods and to make them more accessible and affordable.'
#animalag #bribery #congress #healthypaywall #farmbill
"It wasn't just cows that died for your burger."
Forests are cleared daily to mistreat more animals. Humans need nutrients, not dead bodies. We could all eat plenty and be healthy with 10% of the land use on a plant based diet (if capitalist colonialism quit interfering). The people in these forests deserve their homes and we desperately need the biodiversity for healthy ecosystems.
#LandBack #PlantBased #vegan #deforestation #ClimateJustice #wildfires #AnimalAg #agriculture #colonialism
#colonialism #agriculture #animalag #wildfires #climatejustice #deforestation #vegan #plantbased #Landback
BE THE CHANGE. 💚 #philipwollen #vegan #govegan #meatfree #animalrights #extinction #animalag #plantbased #wildlife #life #evolve #endcarnism #endspeciesism
#philipwollen #vegan #govegan #meatfree #animalrights #extinction #animalag #plantbased #wildlife #life #evolve #endcarnism #endspeciesism
Most environmental coverage could be summarized in a word: emissions. But the environment is far larger than the atmosphere (don't get me wrong, emissions are also critical).
Animal agriculture wants you to focus away from the undeniable problems of the unscalable factory farming and growing industry: land use, deforestation, river contamination, and more.
#environment #emissions #animalag #animals #plantbased #agriculture
#environment #emissions #animalag #animals #plantbased #agriculture
#peterdinklage #vegan #gameofthrones #theavengers #veganquotes #veganactor #actor #animalag #endanimalag #animalrights #veeteelt #crueltyfree #vegansofig #hollywood #veganisme
#peterdinklage #vegan #gameofthrones #theavengers #veganquotes #veganactor #actor #animalag #endanimalag #animalrights #veeteelt #crueltyfree #vegansofig #hollywood #veganisme
How has the livestock industry
impacted women and communities in #Uganda? Listen
to Ugandan climate activist, Carol Nanyiti's perspective.
#women #livestock #animalag #MAPA #cerduganda
#farming #cop27 #cop27Egypt2022
#uganda #women #livestock #animalag #mapa #cerduganda #farming #cop27 #cop27Egypt2022