The B.S. Behind the USDA’s New “Climate-Friendly Beef” Label
"Burgers branded with false climate claims are coming to a supermarket near you."
#ClimateFriendlyBeef #USDA #beef #greenWashing #carbonEmissions #carbonFootprint #climateChange #climateCrisis #animalAgriculture
#climatefriendlybeef #usda #beef #greenwashing #CarbonEmissions #CarbonFootprint #climatechange #ClimateCrisis #animalagriculture
one of the saddest aspects of declining wild bird species is that, in 2022, 70billion chickens globally were slaughtered for meat.
#vegan #meat #animalAgriculture #birds
#Birds #animalagriculture #meat #Vegan
Zachary Labe
Is a #climate #scientist trying to visualize the signal from a lot of noise. Zachary's graphics do a brilliant job of visualizing the data on, for example, #Arctic sea ice volume
#ClimateEffects of #ClimateHeating #FossilFuels #WoodFuels (AKA #biomass ) #AnimalAgriculture
#climate #scientist #arctic #climateeffects #climateheating #fossilfuels #woodfuels #biomass #animalagriculture
While I can't verify the data here, what we don't know or willfully ignore about animal agriculture is killing us and the planet as well as destroying other species at a record pace. That doesn't even include the massive cruelty to the animals involved at every step of the way.
#animalagriculture #vegan #food #foodsovereignty
While I can't verify the data here, what we don't know or willfully ignore about animal agriculture is killing us and the planet as well as destroying other species at a record pace. That doesn't even include the massive cruelty to the animals involved at every step of the way.
#AnimalAgriculture #Vegan #Food FoodSovereignty
#animalagriculture #vegan #food
Original toot date: 29 March, 2023
Missed the explosive exposé on pig gassing?
Watch it here for free:
Image from: Georgie Purcell MP
#AustralianPork #AusMeatInd #AnimalRights #AnimalCruelty #AnimalWelfare #GoVegan #BanGasChambers #AgGag #AnimalAgriculture #PigFarming #Pigs
#australianpork #ausmeatind #animalrights #animalcruelty #animalwelfare #govegan #bangaschambers #aggag #animalagriculture #pigfarming #pigs
This is definitely something I’ve noticed.
Media outlets have largely ignored the role of animal agriculture in climate change, with less than 0.5 percent of climate change stories mentioning meat or livestock…
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #GlobalHeating #AnimalAgriculture #Meat #MediaBias @vegan
#mediabias #meat #animalagriculture #globalheating #climatechange #climatecrisis
The climate-denial is strong with these ones. Don't let the dark side downplay the destructive force of beef.
#beef #Climate #maythe4th #meat #animalagriculture
#animalagriculture #meat #maythe4th #Climate #beef
Missed the explosive exposé?
Watch it here for free:
Image from: Georgie Purcell MP
#AustralianPork #AusMeatInd #AnimalRights #AnimalCruelty #AnimalWelfare #GoVegan #BanGasChambers #AgGag #AnimalAgriculture #PigFarming #Pigs
#australianpork #ausmeatind #animalrights #animalcruelty #animalwelfare #govegan #bangaschambers #aggag #animalagriculture #pigfarming #pigs
"In one instance, delegates from Brazil and Argentina successfully removed any mention of the negative impacts of meat on the environment. They also removed recommendations that people in wealthy countries reduce their meat consumption and shift their diets to include more plant-based foods." Never doubt how powerful the Animal Agriculture Corps are. They're equally destructive as O&G and they totally own all govts Dept of Agriculture. #ClimateCrisis #AnimalAgriculture
#climatecrisis #animalagriculture
Concerning news: Antibiotic-resistant genes found in feedlot waste. Urgent action needed to address use of antibiotics in animal agriculture and protect public health. #AntibioticResistance #AnimalAgriculture
#antibioticresistance #animalagriculture
Too many #fakeanimals. Before the usual disingenuous calls of colonialism begin (only to then justify farm animals in the *developed world*) remember where most of the intensive farming is done and just how much land de-intensified animal ag. would occupy from nature.
#Farming #ClimateChange #Biodiversity #BiodiversityLoss #Extinction #AnimalAgriculture #Water #Pollution #Meat #Vegan #Wildlife
#fakeanimals #farming #climatechange #biodiversity #biodiversityloss #extinction #animalagriculture #water #pollution #meat #vegan #wildlife
Just moved here from
For #introduction, a few hashtags that come to mind:
#AnimalAgriculture needs to be phased out
#vegan for the animals
I live in Melbourne, Australia.
Occasionally, I post in #German. #deutsch
#introduction #animalagriculture #animalethics #animalprotection #animals #auspol #climate #climateemergency #climatehealth #CovidIsNotOver #dogs #environment #foodsystem #healthpolicy #mmt #philosophy #plantbased #publichealth #scifi #vegan #german #deutsch
One more reason - though not the main one - to phase out #AnimalAgriculture
Does anyone use the #NHS app to order repeat prescriptions? #Vegan ? #Vegetarian ? Nows your chance2have an impact by filling in the Add note to your GP/pharmacist box2tell them 2default 2 vegetarian non gelatin type tablets when prescribing meds to patients cos #AnimalAgriculture is fueling the #AntibioicsCrisis (antibiotic resistant bacteria).
If u agree that this is a win for the animals then please repost this message - the more of us who do this, the stronger the ripples we create will be
#nhs #vegan #vegetarian #animalagriculture #antibioicscrisis
The #VeganLandMovement is possibly the most innovative means of disrupting #AnimalAgriculture that I've ever seen. It's a genius plan 👏 🐷🐮
#animalagriculture #veganlandmovement
"Farmed salmon or chicken? Environmental footprint research can guide eco-conscious consumers "
As the author of this article notes, "With a more comprehensive understanding of the pressures on the environment from these food production systems, we can confirm both are better than beef or pork, and chicken is slightly better than salmon, but neither is as responsible as plant-based foods."
So, would an eco-conscious consumer still ask this question? No, they would choose a plant-based option. And not just once or twice a week.
#plantbased #animalagriculture
"How to Build a Bioweapon" by George Monbiot
"There’s a legal means of creating a pandemic that could kill millions."
#ZoonoticDiseases #AnimalAgriculture #MinkFarming #Covid #pandemic #BirdFlu #AnimalCruelty #PublicHealth
#zoonoticdiseases #animalagriculture #minkfarming #covid #pandemic #birdflu #animalcruelty #publichealth
"Food for thought: carbon footprint of salmon and chicken farming mostly stems from feed, study suggests"
"In addition to needing fish oil and fishmeal, salmon aquaculture requires an estimated 2.3m tonnes of crops for feed yearly, largely comprising oil crops, soya beans and wheat. While commercial poultry feed contains primarily crops, chickens are also fed fishmeal and fish oil."
“Anything that requires feed is going to have a higher environmental footprint than things that are not fed,”
#aquaculture #AnimalAgriculture #environment #EnvironmentalFootprint
Apart from all the environmental impacts, farming animals is also cruel. #AnimalCruelty
#aquaculture #animalagriculture #environment #environmentalfootprint #animalcruelty
"Farming, pharmaceutical and health pollution fuelling rise in superbugs, UN warns. Sewage, poor sanitation and a lack of regulation give rise to antimicrobial resistance and threaten global health, report says"
#AntimicrobialResistance #AnimalAgriculture #pharma #pollution #PublicHealth
#antimicrobialresistance #animalagriculture #pharma #pollution #publichealth