This paper uses kurtosis adjustment to predict marine mammal auditory injury thresholds from complex #noise exposure. https://doi.org/10.1121/2.0001727
#animalbioacoustics #acoustics #noise
Evaluating the impact of noise pollution on scallops: Marine invertebrates, often overlooked when evaluating noise pollution, can suffer from nearby shipping and construction.
#acoustics #AnimalBioacoustics
Image: Courtesy of Erwan AMICE, CNRS.
#animalbioacoustics #acoustics
Our February cover features an article about the sound sensitivity of the giant sea scallop! https://asa.scitation.org/doi/10.1121/10.0017171
#animalbioacoustics #acoustics
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#Noise #AnimalBioacoustics #Bioacoustics #MechanicalVibration
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