EP064 Rexo get out from my way funny me https://www.wacoca.com/pets/199181/
##doglover ##funnyshorts #abandonedanimals #abandoneddog #abandonedpuppy #animalcare #animalkindness #dog #dogs #dogtraining #germanshepard #goldenretriever #Inu #mixedpuppy #pet #petlife #pets #puppy #puppylife #Rexo #RexoRexunko #Rexunko #Shorts #ジャーマン・シェパード・ドッグ
#doglover #funnyshorts #abandonedanimals #abandoneddog #abandonedpuppy #animalcare #animalkindness #dog #dogs #dogtraining #germanshepard #goldenretriever #inu #mixedpuppy #pet #petlife #pets #puppy #puppylife #rexo #rexorexunko #rexunko #shorts #ジャーマン・シェパード・ドッグ
Seems like it was 2 years ago that I was watching a lot of hoof trim videos. Now they are popping up on my Facebook, replacing the acrylic pouring videos. These algorithms are fascinating. #hoofGP #cows #animalCare
EP058 REXO vs his girlfriend Khaira [round 4of5] https://www.wacoca.com/pets/196549/
##doglover ##funnyshorts #abandonedanimals #abandoneddog #abandonedpuppy #animalcare #animalkindness #dog #dogs #dogtraining #germanshepard #goldenretriever #Inu #mixedpuppy #pet #petlife #pets #puppy #puppylife #Rexo #RexoRexunko #Rexunko #Shorts #ジャーマン・シェパード・ドッグ
#doglover #funnyshorts #abandonedanimals #abandoneddog #abandonedpuppy #animalcare #animalkindness #dog #dogs #dogtraining #germanshepard #goldenretriever #inu #mixedpuppy #pet #petlife #pets #puppy #puppylife #rexo #rexorexunko #rexunko #shorts #ジャーマン・シェパード・ドッグ
EP048 Rexo went jealous on Khaira today https://www.wacoca.com/pets/192110/
##doglover ##funnyshorts #abandonedanimals #abandoneddog #abandonedpuppy #animalcare #animalkindness #dog #dogs #dogtraining #germanshepard #goldenretriever #Inu #mixedpuppy #pet #petlife #pets #puppy #puppylife #Rexo #RexoRexunko #Rexunko #Shorts #ジャーマン・シェパード・ドッグ
#doglover #funnyshorts #abandonedanimals #abandoneddog #abandonedpuppy #animalcare #animalkindness #dog #dogs #dogtraining #germanshepard #goldenretriever #inu #mixedpuppy #pet #petlife #pets #puppy #puppylife #rexo #rexorexunko #rexunko #shorts #ジャーマン・シェパード・ドッグ
#wildanimals #animalfacts #animalcare Why you shouldn't feed wild animals: It doesn't help anyone https://www.advice.news/animals/why-you-shouldnt-feed-wild-animals-it-doesnt-help-anyone?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#wildanimals #animalfacts #animalcare
#petrats #animalcare #facts Expert Advice: The Basic Rules for Caring for Rats https://www.advice.news/animals/expert-advice-basic-rules-caring-rats?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
Tips for keeping pets cool in a heatwave | World Animal Protection
#animalrights #animalcare
☀️🐶🐱 With the weather heating up across the UK over the next few days it's important to look out for our pets. Here are 6 tips for keeping them cool during a heatwave.
Do you have any more tips? Share them below 👇
Yesterday, was just an ordinary day for many, but for the dogs in #Yulin2023 it was their day of misery.
Shut Down the Yulin Dog Meat Festival!
Sign this petition: https://www.change.org/p/shut-down-the-yulin-dog-meat-festival-in-yulin-guangxi-china
#trombalazana #animalcare #dogs #dogsofmastodon #yulin2023
#pets #turtle #animalcare Expert Tips: What Rules to Follow When Caring for a Turtle https://www.advice.news/animals/expert-tips-what-rules-follow-when-caring-turtle?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#cats #animalcare #toxicplants Important to Know: Which Cut Flowers Are Toxic to Cats https://www.advice.news/animals/important-know-which-cut-flowers-are-toxic-cats?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#cats #animalcare #toxicplants
#cats #animalcare #petsfacts Important to Know: Why a Cat Might Refuse Kittens https://www.advice.news/animals/important-know-why-cat-might-refuse-kittens?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
Finally saw WALL-E, what an inspiring reminder to cherish our planet and protect its creatures! 🌎💚 #LoveEarth #AnimalCare #BitBook
#loveearth #animalcare #bitbook
#cats #pets #animalcare Expert Explanation: Are Cats Amenable to Training https://www.advice.news/animals/expert-explanation-are-cats-amenable-training?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
Global News BC: B.C. government announces multi-year boost to subsidize veterinary education https://globalnews.ca/news/9574047/bc-boosts-funding-to-train-more-veterinarians/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #WesternCollegeOfVeterinaryMedicine #VeterinaryMedicine #veterinarycollege #BCveterinarians #SelinaRobinson #Veterinarians #BCgovernment #ANIMALCARE #Education #Politics #Animals #Pets
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #westerncollegeofveterinarymedicine #veterinarymedicine #veterinarycollege #bcveterinarians #SelinaRobinson #veterinarians #BCgovernment #animalcare #education #politics #animals #pets
I want to spend all my money on animals that aren't even mine. 2 stray cats are in my neighborhood and I want to give them everything. Buuuuut we are broke. So, hotdogs and watered down dog food it is. #straycats #animalcare #cats #broke #mentalhealth #autistic #specialinterest #animals
#animals #specialinterest #autistic #mentalhealth #broke #cats #animalcare #straycats
Alert the authorities
#animalcare #veterinary #stickerslap #slaps #seattlestickerpatrol #vandalism #streetart #willbite #ifprovoked
#ifprovoked #willbite #streetart #vandalism #seattlestickerpatrol #slaps #stickerslap #veterinary #animalcare
RT @CuanWildlife@twitter.com
#Exciting things are coming! Stay tuned..
#cuanwildliferescue #staytuned #ukbirds #ukmammals #wildlife #shropshire #fundraising #animalcare #animalwelfare @ShropshireStar@twitter.com @BBCMidlandsRBX@twitter.com @ExpressandStar@twitter.com @expressandradio@twitter.com @BTO_Shropshire@twitter.com @BBCSpringwatch@twitter.com @BBCCountryfile@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CuanWildlife/status/1616715409549312001
#animalwelfare #animalcare #fundraising #shropshire #wildlife #ukmammals #UKbirds #staytuned #cuanwildliferescue #exciting
RT @Cheetah_Centre@twitter.com
Vlooi went for another X-Ray and his leg is looking a lot better. His bandage was replaced with a longer, stiffer one to ensure that it doesn’t come off. We are hoping that this will be the last bandage he needs. You’re a champ little Vlooi!
#getwellsoon #animalcare #animals
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Cheetah_Centre/status/1614569537952972800
#animals #animalcare #GetWellSoon
This lady> rehabs sick and disabled birds. There are many, as they often do not get the specialized care they require to thrive. She is amazing. 🐦
Disabled Birds Matter
Physio is seldom used in Birds, but can have incredible results if you hit on the right thing for an angel.
Facebook page w added info & case studies.
#birds #cagedbirds #birdrehab #vets #animalcare