Anne @AMupepe is a junior research group leader in our group @UniFreiburg #NatureScientistsUFR. She is about to move to the @Uni_MR where she will start her first professorship in #AnimalEcology next week. Congratulations Anne! 🎉
#naturescientistsufr #animalecology
This week our zooarchaeologist is visiting #Iphes, in Tarragona, to learn about #dental #microwear using transmitted microscopy and analyze the first samples for our project! The results will be the first step to reconstructing #animalecology and #enviroment of #Paleolithic coastal Lebanon 🤠
#zooarcheology #taphonomy
#iphes #dental #microwear #animalecology #enviroment #paleolithic #zooarcheology #taphonomy
Never really made a proper #introduction post so...hello!
I am a final year #PhDstudent in #AnimalEcology working with the cascading effect of the landscape of fear with #biomove in Germany.
Also love #ConservationGenetics topics! Genetics is love, genetics is life.
I am currently looking for a job as a technician 🐹 🧬 👨💻 . I'm also a hobby artist and I love to draw silly cartoon animals, mostly voles, cause they are the best.
Also I am the worst with hastags so, welp!
#introduction #PhDstudent #animalecology #biomove #ConservationGenetics