An interview with Dr Andre Menache on his life's mission to expose and bring an end to the practice of experimenting on other animals, replacing it with ethical methods that produce more accurate results for all #animalexperiments #animalrights
#animalexperiments #animalrights
🎼 1,000 little monkeys jumping in a cage.
One fell off and bumped his head. 🙉
US Fish and Wildlife services called #PETA and PETA said
No more monkeys jumping in a cage! 🎶
I know that animal experimentation has been a valuable tool for science and discovery, but perhaps things need to change, considering long tailed macaques are now considered endangered. This part in the article says it quite well:
"However, some studies show that primates are poor predictors of results in humans and in response, Congress recently passed the FDA Modernization Act which removes the legal requirement to test on animals before human clinical trials.
New, animal free methodologies like cell-based and “organ-on-chip” tests, are increasingly being utilized by scientists.
“The ill-conceived era of relying on stolen, diseased, distressed monkeys to cure human disease has never worked and is coming to an end, hopefully in time for these species to recover in their natural habitats,” said Jones-Engel."
#Vegan #Vegans #Veganism #AnimalRights #AnimalResearch #GoVegan #VeganForTheAnimals #Macaques #AnimalExperiments #DrugDiscovery
#peta #vegan #vegans #veganism #animalrights #animalresearch #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #Macaques #animalexperiments #drugdiscovery
In case I haven't mentioned it for a while: fuck you, vivisectors!
#animalexperiments #animalcruelty #animalrights
In case I haven't mentioned it for a while: fuck you, vivisectors!
#animalexperiments #animalcruelty #animalrights
Blinding/masking in #AnimalExperiments. Qual review by @Nathalie_PdS &co @NC3Rs explores implementation of #blinding at allocation, intervention, conduct, outcome assessment & #DataAnalysis; examples of good practice & how to address barriers #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #dataanalysis #blinding #animalexperiments
Blinding/masking in #AnimalExperiments. Qual review by @Nathalie_PdS &co @NC3Rs explores implementation of #blinding at allocation, intervention, conduct, outcome assessment & #DataAnalysis; examples of good practice & how to address barriers #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #dataanalysis #blinding #animalexperiments
Blinding/masking in #AnimalExperiments. Qual review by @Nathalie_PdS &co @NC3Rs explores implementation of #blinding at allocation, intervention, conduct, outcome assessment & #DataAnalysis; examples of good practice & how to address barriers #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #dataanalysis #blinding #animalexperiments
These animal experiments are heavily supervised by the Chinese Communist Party and the country's armed forces
#animalexperiments #coronavirus #China