Risingshadow · @RisingshadowNet
12 followers · 245 posts · Server mstdn.social
Risingshadow · @RisingshadowNet
9 followers · 177 posts · Server mstdn.social
Risingshadow · @RisingshadowNet
6 followers · 58 posts · Server mstdn.social
Mary E. Lowd · @marylowd
114 followers · 133 posts · Server wandering.shop

I say it's worth labeling properly, because I want to find it more easily as a . But what is it that makes furry fiction as a worthwhile and unique? Why do I love furry fiction so much?

The easy answer is that I love animals. But as an of furry , I push for a more expansive definition of the genre than just . That's why isn't as useful a label to me as .

#furryfiction #reader #genre #editor #fiction #talkinganimals #animalfantasy #furry

Last updated 2 years ago

ist ein Bereich, den ich irgendwann mal mehr ausbauen möchte. In diesen beiden Novellen spielen Tiere die Hauptrolle.
In "Das Zylinderkabinett" folgen wir dem Puschkin in eine magische Welt und in "Das Quaken der Nachtigall" muss der Moorleichenkröter und von Kröt einen kniffligen Fall um gestohlene Häkeldeckchen lösen!

#animalfantasy #haschen #Ermittler

Last updated 2 years ago