Now out in G3: "Genetics of tibia bone properties of crossbred commercial laying hens in different housing systems", our GWAS of bone quality traits (and body mass, because, you know, if you weigh a chicken you have to GWAS it) in laying hens. With collaborators from SLU, the Roslin Institute and University of Granada. @DJ_de_Koning
#gwas #quantitativegenetics #animalscience #animalgenetics
Not sure if I should ask here or the other instance... : Does anyone here use strelka2 for variant calling? I love how it have its own python script to write the regional parallelization for you and can run really fast but starting to wonder why it is not used more in the #ConservationGenomics or #AnimalGenetics as opposed to GATK HaplotypeCaller.
#ConservationGenomics #animalgenetics #Genomics #WGS #Bioinfomatics #compBio #PopulationGenomics