AG #Heidelberg zur #Kündigungsfrist einer #Kleintierzuchtparzelle #Kleintierzüchter
#Tierrecht #Pferderecht #Hunderecht #Tierkauf #Tierarzthaftung #Pferdekauf #Hundekauf #animallaw #equinelaw #dogfriendly #tierlieb #Tierwohl
#heidelberg #kundigungsfrist #kleintierzuchtparzelle #kleintierzuchter #tierrecht #pferderecht #hunderecht #tierkauf #tierarzthaftung #pferdekauf #hundekauf #animallaw #equinelaw #dogfriendly #tierlieb #tierwohl
Stallbetreiber haftet für eingeklemmtes Pferd und verletzte Ehefrau…
#lawyer #Heidelberg #Mannheim #Karlsruhe #Darmstadt #Frankfurt #Stuttgart #lawyer #avvocato #advocat #solicitor #Advokat #avocat #advokaat
#Tierrecht #Pferderecht #animallaw #equinelaw
#lawyer #heidelberg #mannheim #karlsruhe #darmstadt #frankfurt #Stuttgart #avvocato #advocat #solicitor #advokat #avocat #advokaat #tierrecht #pferderecht #animallaw #equinelaw
I did not expect to come across the Rule Against Perpetuities in Animal Law. (Yellow highlight).
#rap #law #lawfedi #lawSchool #lawprof #animallaw
Out of office is on! #LawProfs #LawProf #IPLawProf #IPLawProfs #AnimalLaw #CatsofMastodon #RescueCat #AcademicLife
#academiclife #rescuecat #catsofmastodon #animallaw #iplawprofs #iplawprof #lawprof #lawprofs
Now there’s something on my keyboard as well 🤣 😻 #CatsofMastodon #Mastocats #RescueCat #LawProfs #WritingWithCats #CatsofLondon #LegalWriting #AcademicsandCats #AnimalsandLaw #AnimalLaw #IntellectualProperty
#intellectualproperty #animallaw #animalsandlaw #academicsandcats #LegalWriting #catsoflondon #writingwithcats #lawprofs #rescuecat #mastocats #catsofmastodon
Elon Musk's Neuralink under investigation by USDA for potential violation of the Animal Welfare Act #AnimalLaw #AnimalWelfare #LawProfs
#lawprofs #animalwelfare #animallaw
Here it is, #introduction time.
I'm an animal protection advocate focusing on wildlife, with an interest in #animalethics.
I'll be posting about issues facing wildlife in #BritishColumbia and #Canada, how we can build communities that promote #coexistence, and advocate for better policies that will protect wild animals.
#wildlife #animalprotection #animallaw #animalethics #animalrights #animalwelfare #animals #nature #environment #conservation
#conservation #environment #nature #animals #animalwelfare #animalrights #animallaw #animalprotection #wildlife #coexistence #Canada #britishcolumbia #animalethics #introduction
Here it is, #introduction time.
I'm an animal protection advocate focusing on wildlife, with an interest in #animalethics.
I'll be posting about issues facing wildlife in #BritishColumbia and #Canada, how we can build communities that promote #coexistence, and advocate for better policies that will protect wild animals.
Looking to connect with other advocates!
#wildlife #animalprotection #animallaw #animalethics #animalrights #animalwelfare #animals #nature #environment #conservation
#conservation #environment #nature #animals #animalwelfare #animalrights #animallaw #animalprotection #wildlife #coexistence #Canada #britishcolumbia #animalethics #introduction
Friday afternoon coffee with two of my favourite research assistants - Aubrey Beardsley and Jefferson Airplane (because he just wanted somebody to Love) #LawProfs #DogFriendly #London #RescueDogs #OatLatte #IntellectualProperty #AnimalLaw #LegalWriting #LawProfs #TootSweet #SweetToot
#sweettoot #tootsweet #LegalWriting #animallaw #intellectualproperty #oatlatte #rescuedogs #london #dogfriendly #lawprofs
Friday afternoon coffee with two of my favourite research assistants - Aubrey Beardsley and Jefferson Airplane (because he just wanted somebody to Love) #LawProfs #DogFriendly #London #RescueDogs #OatLatte #IntellectualProperty #AnimalLaw #LegalWriting #LawProfs #TootSweet #SweetToot
#sweettoot #tootsweet #LegalWriting #animallaw #intellectualproperty #oatlatte #rescuedogs #london #dogfriendly #lawprofs
Dear Void… just an #introduction 👋🏻
I’m Hugo, a #philosophy and #law #gradstudent at #Stellenbosch Uni in South Africa. Currently working on my LLM thesis in the #legalphilosophy of #animallaw. Broadly, my research draws on #decolonial theory, #criticalanimalstudies , #ecofeminism , and #posthumanism to displace #anthropocentrism as a quasi-transcendental limit of legal discourse.
Other interests include #psychoanalysis #queertheory #litfic #poetry #architecture
Uhm yeah, see y’all around ✌🏻
#introduction #philosophy #law #gradstudent #stellenbosch #legalphilosophy #animallaw #decolonial #criticalanimalstudies #ecofeminism #posthumanism #anthropocentrism #psychoanalysis #queertheory #litfic #poetry #architecture
#lawmastodon #University #law #animallaw
It seems it's time for #intros. I'm Associate Professor of Jurisprudence at the University of Helsinki. I work mainly in legal philosophy and animal law. I've published especially on legal personhood.
I tweet... (wait... toot?) mainly in English and Finnish.
#legalperson #animallaw #legalpersonhood #jurisprudence #legalphilosophy #introductions
#introductions #legalphilosophy #jurisprudence #legalpersonhood #legalperson #intros #animallaw #law #university #lawmastodon
I've also founded a non-profit earlier this year that is devoted to raising the bar on the moral and legal status of non-human animals.
I will set up an account here soon, but if you're still on Twitter too I'd love it if you followed there as well! The Twitter is [at] animalcognition
#animallaw #animalstudies #AnimalJustice #animals #sentience #consciousness #animalrights #nonhumanrights
Time for an #introduction
I am a #law #professor teaching courses addressing various aspects of #taxlaw and #death. My scholarship focuses on higher education finance, taxation, & #disruption in the death care industry (+ innovative death technologies).
I regularly present on
I ❤️
#compoundinterest #changemanagement #innovation #lawmoms #animallaw #womenandthelaw #periodpoverty #menstrualcapitalism #MenstrualEquity #studentloan #affordabledeath #funeralpoverty #cremation #greenburial #disruption #death #Taxlaw #professor #law #Introduction
"Bold, exhilarating...The most original contribution to #animallaw in a long time.”#MarthaNussbaum
"A gamechanger."
Out now! prof/@UChicagoLaw alum's WILDLIFE AS PROPERTY OWNERS: A New Conception of #AnimalRights
#animalrights #MarthaNussbaum #animallaw