LUCENT (2014)
Siamo testimoni di un'interminabile susseguirsi di torture, sangue e violenza in un'atmosfera claustrofobia per circa due ore, che mettono a dura prova anche gli spettatori più preparati alle tematiche...
#lucenmovie #chrisdelforce #dominion
#documentary #animalliberationfront #pigfarming #allevamenti #allevamentiintensivi #documentario #maiali #maialini #scrofe #animalsrights #antispecismo #antispecism #cinema #movie #movies #pig #pigs #aussiefarms
#lucenmovie #chrisdelforce #dominion #documentary #animalliberationfront #pigfarming #allevamenti #allevamentiintensivi #documentario #Maiali #maialini #scrofe #animalsrights #antispecismo #Antispecism #cinema #movie #movies #pig #pigs #aussiefarms
[Mars 2023, Suède] L’ALF attaque une boucherie
Via Unoffensive Animal
Mars, Värmland, Suède
L'ALF (Animal Liberation Front) a taggé une boucherie avec le graffiti « DJURPLÅGARE », ce qui signifie AGRESSEURS D’ANIMAUX en suédois. De plus, nous avons déjà retiré et détruit des publicités en carton
#2023 #alf #AnimalLiberationFront #antispeciesism #butcher #DirectAction #sabotage #sweden
#alf #animalliberationfront #antispeciesism #butcher #directaction #sabotage #sweden
Animal Liberation Front pioneer Ronnie Lee recalls the early days of activism and talks to DIY Conspiracy about the influence of punk and the importance of autonomous action for the animal liberation movement.
Read here:
#Vegan #AnimalLiberation #AnimalLiberationFront #VeganAntifa #TotalLiberation #Punk #AnarchoPunk
#Vegan #animalliberation #animalliberationfront #VeganAntifa #totalliberation #punk #anarchopunk
The Grand National - Where poor people get dressed up to hand over money they can't afford to rich people and horses die!
#YouBetTheyDie #TheGrandNational #GrandNational #NothingGrandAboutTheNational #BoycottTheGrandNational #BoycottGrandNational #BoycottHorseRacing #AnimalAbuse #StopFundingAnimalAbuse #StopBettingOnDeath #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRights #ALF #AnimalLiberationFront #UntilAllAreFree #UntilAllTheCagesAreEmpty
#youbettheydie #thegrandnational #grandnational #nothinggrandaboutthenational #boycottthegrandnational #boycottgrandnational #boycotthorseracing #animalabuse #stopfundinganimalabuse #stopbettingondeath #animalliberation #animalrights #alf #animalliberationfront #untilallarefree #untilallthecagesareempty
Saving one animal makes all the difference!
#animalliberationfront #rescueanimals #animalliberation #AnimalLiberationHumanLiberation #alf
#animalliberationfront #rescueanimals #animalliberation #AnimalLiberationHumanLiberation #alf
Anarchism is a way and philosophy of life without a power structure or authority, therefore my way of eating does not follow any of these. Against all kinds of power!
#animalliberationfront #AnimalLiberationHumanLiberation #allanimalsareequal
#animalliberationfront #AnimalLiberationHumanLiberation #allanimalsareequal
#freedom #burnprisons #anarchy #anarchism #anarchia #sprayisaweapon #Chile #politicalprisoners #animalliberationfront #animals #freeallanimals #activist #Anarquia #revuelta
#freedom #burnprisons #anarchy #anarchism #anarchia #sprayisaweapon #Chile #politicalprisoners #animalliberationfront #animals #freeallanimals #activist #Anarquia #revuelta
Environmental activist Joseph Dibee will avoid additional prison time for late-90s arsons carried out under the banner of the #EarthLiberationFront and #AnimalLiberationFront. His story is pretty amazing! 1/10
#earthliberationfront #animalliberationfront