Philosopher #PeterSinger, author of #AnimalLiberation is releasing an updated book called #AnimalLiberationNow. Here is an interview he had with #ZoëCorbyn:
I look forward to reading both the old and updated book, and see how much/little has changed. Looks like it will give a bigger spotlight on the #ClimateEmergency aspect in relation to the animal agricultural industry.
A few things I am disappointed about, from a #vegan perspective (#AnnoyingVegan bias incoming):
1. Describing himself as 'flexibly vegan'.
2. Eating oysters (even if oyster farming is apparently an environmentally sustainable industry).
3. His defense of 'consientious omnivores'. Q&A in full:
"Conscientious omnivores oppose factory farming but continue to eat animal products from farmers who treat their animals well and don’t subject them to suffering. Do they get a pass?
Honestly, I can’t show that they are wrong. Assume that the cows wouldn’t have existed if they weren’t going to be sold for their meat and the conscientious omnivores investigate how their food is produced, and can be confident that the animals really do have good lives and are killed painlessly and without suffering – then I think they do get a pass. They’re allies in the movement against factory farming, and a world of conscientious omnivores would produce much less meat and dairy products, with vastly less suffering."
Let me expand on point 3:🧵
#vegans #veganism #GoVegan #VeganForTheAnimals #AnimalRights
#petersinger #animalliberation #animalliberationnow #zoecorbyn #climateemergency #vegan #annoyingvegan #vegans #veganism #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #animalrights
I am happy to see the #NewYorkTimes opinion piece by #PeterSinger is making the rounds and is being tooted by lots of people here on #mastodon.
A shame he talks about only a reduction in animal meat consumption as opposed to total elimination, but I guess baby steps is the way to get to most normal and nice people. 🤔
Also exciting to see he has an updated book coming out called #AnimalLiberationNow. Something I will be very keen to check out (though maybe I should read the original and compare notes 😂).
#Vegan #Vegans #Veganism #VeganForTheAnimals #GoVegan #AnimalRights
#newyorktimes #petersinger #mastodon #animalliberationnow #vegan #vegans #veganism #VeganForTheAnimals #govegan #animalrights
On this Caturday Comrade Trixie wants to remind you all of the earth crisis and especially of the beings in cages throughout the world.
#VEGAN #animalliberationnow
#Repost #veganremi
Open your eyes and your heart to the truth of the industries you support.
Then, you can align your actions with your compassion.
#veganforthem #animalrights #animalliberationnow
#animalliberationnow #animalrights #veganforthem #bekindtoallkinds #humanity #compassion #VeganForTheAnimals #govegan #veganremi #repost