My favorite thing to do after a weekend spent at a conference? NOTHING ❤️
Today I'll recharge my social battery, take all the naps I want and enjoy a day off. See y'all tomorrow!
#IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2023 #AnimalRightsActivist #AnimalRightsActivism #AnimalRightsNetworking
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2023 #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsactivism #animalrightsnetworking
What are your favorite conference hacks? #IARC2023 is approaching, and I'd love to hear your best tips & hacks for the best possible experience!
#AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2023 #AnimalRightsActivist #AnimalRightsActivism #AnimalRightsNetworking
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2023 #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsactivism #animalrightsnetworking
For probably the next week I'll talk a lot about #IARC2023 because I am really excited! If you don't want to hear about it, do yourself a favor and mute the hashtag ;)
If you'll be at the conference: Please say hi! It would be so lovely to meet y'all!
#AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2023 #AnimalRightsActivist #AnimalRightsActivism #AnimalRightsNetworking
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2023 #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsactivism #animalrightsnetworking
Only six more day till my talk at @iarc 💚
What are your thoughts on the current state of the animal rights movement?
#vegan #AnimalRights #IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2023 #AnimalRightsActivist #AnimalRightsActivism #AnimalRightsNetworking
#vegan #animalrights #iarc2023 #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2023 #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsactivism #animalrightsnetworking
Original toot date: 05 April, 2023
Sorry, no Who Am I Wednesday post this week, as I was busy advocating for pig welfare at the Vigil for Animals - Australian Food Group Abattoir today.
Watch Chris Deforce's address from today here:
Find out more at
#farmtransparencyproject #bangaschambers ##animalwelfare #animalcruelty #animalrights #animalrightsactivist #animalactivists #GoVegan
#farmtransparencyproject #bangaschambers #animalwelfare #animalcruelty #animalrights #animalrightsactivist #animalactivists #govegan
Register today still to benefit from the reduced rate! The registration fee for the full conference is 40 EUR for live participation in Luxembourg and 10 EUR for online participation.
Online registration at:
International Animal Rights Conference 2023
#IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2023 #AnimalRightsActivist #registration #AnimalRightsActivism
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2023 #animalrightsactivist #registration #animalrightsactivism
We are happy to announce that Toni Brockhoven will present at the International Animal Rights Conference 2023. Toni will present the current status of animal testing for cosmetics in South Africa and what the future in that field should look like.
▶️ check out the details at:
#IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2023 #AnimalRightsActivist #AnimalRightsActivism #vivisection #AnimalTesting #cosmetics
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2023 #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsactivism #vivisection #animaltesting #cosmetics
We are happy to announce that Colin Goldner will present at the International Animal Rights Conference 2023. Colin will talk about the necessities and options to bring the institution "zoo" to an end.
▶️ check out the details at:
#IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2023 #AnimalRightsActivist #AnimalRightsActivism #zoo #zoos #AnimalCaptivity
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2023 #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsactivism #zoo #zoos #animalcaptivity
We are happy to announce that Melanie Challenger will present at the International Animal Rights Conference 2023. Melanie will give an overview of animal dignity as a new moral foundation.
▶️ check out the details at:
#IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2023 #AnimalRightsActivist #AnimalRightsActivism #dignity #AnimalDignity
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2023 #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsactivism #dignity #animaldignity
We are happy to announce that Nabaasa Innocent Kashobera will present at the International Animal Rights Conference 2023. Nabaasa will give an overview of the state of farmed animals in Uganda and how traditional African societal beliefs could play a key role in reducing animal suffering.
▶️ check out the details at:
#IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2023 #AnimalRightsActivist #AnimalRightsActivism #FarmedAnimals
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2023 #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsactivism #farmedanimals
We are happy to announce that Tobias Leenaert will present at the International Animal Rights Conference 2023. In his presentation, Tobias will talk about different sources of despair we face in our activism for animals. Yet, he will also show that we should have hope for the future so that we can keep on keeping on.
▶️ details at:
#IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2023 #AnimalRightsActivist #AnimalRightsActivism
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2023 #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsactivism
Register now to benefit from the reduced rate! Until April 30th, the registration fee for the full conference is 40 EUR for live participation in Luxembourg and 10 EUR for online participation.
Only 1 week left until the end of April.
#IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2023 #AnimalRightsActivist #registration #AnimalRightsActivism
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2023 #animalrightsactivist #registration #animalrightsactivism
We have now published the preliminary list of speakers of the International Animal Rights Conference 2023, where all the details have been clarified❗️
👀 Check it out:
Many more presentations are still being finalized, so check back regularly.
#ConferenceSpeakers #OnlineProgramm #IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2023 #AnimalRightsActivist #AnimalRightsActivism
#conferencespeakers #onlineprogramm #iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2023 #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsactivism
Register now to benefit from the reduced rate! Until April 30th, the registration fee for the full conference is 40 EUR for live participation in Luxembourg and 10 EUR for online participation.
Only 2 weeks left until the end of April.
#IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2023 #AnimalRightsActivist #registration #AnimalrightsActivism
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2023 #animalrightsactivist #registration #animalrightsactivism
We are happy to announce that India Kandel will present at the International Animal Rights Conference 2023. She will talk about why veganism is not a diet and why treating it like one can do harm.
▶️ check out the details at:
#IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2013 #AnimalRightsActivist #Vegan #Veganism #AnimalrightsActivism
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2013 #animalrightsactivist #vegan #veganism #animalrightsactivism
We are happy to announce that Fernanda García-Naranjo Ortega, co-founder of the "Network of Anti-speciesist Sanctuaries of Mexico" and executive directory of Granjita TyH, will be presenting at the IARC 2023. She will talk about the importance of sanctuaries as crucial parts of the animal liberation movement.
#IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2013 #AnimalRightsActivist #Sanctuaries
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2013 #animalrightsactivist #sanctuaries
We are happy to announce that Zoe Rosenberg, the founder of Happy Hen Animal Sanctuary, will be presenting at the International Animal Rights Conference 2023. She will talk about the power of making a scene.
▶️ check out the details at:
#IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2013 #AnimalRightsActivist #AnimalrightsActivism
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2013 #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsactivism
Sorry, no Who Am I Wednesday post this week, as I was busy advocating for pig welfare at the Vigil for Animals - Australian Food Group Abattoir today.
Watch Chris Deforce's address from today here:
Find out more at
#farmtransparencyproject #bangaschambers ##animalwelfare #animalcruelty #animalrights #animalrightsactivist #animalactivists #GoVegan
#farmtransparencyproject #bangaschambers #animalwelfare #animalcruelty #animalrights #animalrightsactivist #animalactivists #govegan
We are happy to announce that Fernando Cuenca from the United States will be presenting at the IARC2023. Born and raised in Columbia, Fernando will talk about the relationship between the armed conflict and animal rights activism in that country.
➡ check out the details at:
#IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2013 #Columbia #ArmedConflict #AnimalRightsActivist #AnimalrightsActivism
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2013 #columbia #ArmedConflict #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsactivism
We are happy to announce that Annika Axmann from Germany will be presenting at the IARC2023. Annika will talk about the rescued cow Frida and her calf Flocke and how their rescue has motivated Annika to give everything to fight for animal rights.
➡️ check out the details at:
#IARC2023 #AnimalRights #AnimalLiberation #AnimalRightsConference #AnimalRightsConference2013 #AnimalRescue #AnimalRightsActivist #AnimalRightsActivism
#iarc2023 #animalrights #animalliberation #animalrightsconference #animalrightsconference2013 #animalrescue #animalrightsactivist #animalrightsactivism