If I had the means, land, resources, etc. to create an #AnimalSanctuary, I think I would create a #cat sanctuary. For all the poor, old, unwanted cats out there, to potentially be their forever home, or possibly their temporary home before they get adopted in a true forever home with a loving family. I would need a lot of fencing and wire to ensure no wildlife encounters and escape occurs! 😂
Second on my list would be a #chicken and #rooster sanctuary (kept separately of course*), where they can have space to live out their lives in peace. I have been thinking about chickens and all other forms of birds lately, in terms of a #veganism perspective. A recent estimate** in terms of the number of land animals killed for food (that huge number you always see #vegans ranting on about), is now estimated at 92.2 billion for 2023. The majority of those individuals would be birds of one sort of another, primarily chickens. 🐔🐣
Thinking about it some more, I came across this piece by #KarenDavis of #UnitedPoultryConcerns and the unfortunate views of #PeterSinger*** when it comes to his viewpoints regarding chickens:
I say unfortunate, as the "Father of Animal Liberation****", it really saddens me to see his views exposed so clearly and his disdain for chickens shown so plainly. I suppose he is being practical/centrist/unemotive/etc. in his views, and perhaps he is trying to reach more people, by appearing more flexible and open, so that others out there that are not yet #vegan would consider the option of becoming vegan and embrace this philosophy for life. But really, not to be that #AnnoyingVegan, but he almost sounds like a #Flexitarian, being open to eat what he can when travelling, not upsetting hosts when invited over to dinner, and being ok with backyard hens and their eggs.
I guess it is easy to bash on someone that has done so much for the animal rights movement, but I do think that it is important to call out people, no matter how loved or famous, if some of their views dont correspond to the rest of their actions and stated beliefs and philosophies.*****
In the meanwhile, I will continue imagining all the animals I will try and save one day, but really I am more grateful for the many (though not enough) sanctuaries out there that are currently giving animals of all sorts (least of all, chickens) a safe presence, away from the living nightmare that is the reality of the majority of their species existence. 🌱
*Probably easier than trying to desex poultry!
***I have tooted about him before: https://aus.social/@Pece/110410557870768867
****I think this is given to him by others, I have never seen him claim this title.
*****Not that I am famous, but I am happy to be called out by my actions and words if they are not aligned and happy to make corrections accordingly.
#animalsanctuary #cat #chicken #rooster #veganism #vegans #karendavis #unitedpoultryconcerns #petersinger #vegan #annoyingvegan #flexitarian #govegan #animalrights #VeganForTheAnimals
Es wird (dringend) eine Nachfolge für Meyers Hof in Ennepetal gesucht.
Nachfolge heißt Besitzer*in eines Lebenshofs für >100 ehemalige Ausnutztiere.
Der Hof ist in Ennepetal, NRW.
Sollte sich niemand finden würden die Tiere (vmtl. getrennt) auf ander Höfe aufgeteilt werden müssen.
Alle Infos gibt's (leider nur) bei Meta:
Oder ihr schreibt mich hier an, dann leite ich gerne weiter :)
_Fediverse do your magic_
#govegan #Vegan #Gnadenhof #lebenshof #animalsanctuary
Bei den Schweinis wird auch schon die Abendstimmung eingeläutet... Die Suhlen werden dankend genutzt.
Das ganze Gelände muss dieses Jahr umgegraben werden. Wer die finanziellen Mittel hat kann sich gerne mal auf Betterplace umschauen:
#pigs #schweine #animalsanctuary #lebenshof #chicken #huehner
#huehner #chicken #lebenshof #animalsanctuary #Schweine #pigs
Langsam kühlt es aus. Bin heute alleine auf dem #Lebenshof am helfen und gönne mir auf der höchsten Weide eine Pause.
Gleich noch 45 Km mit dem Fahrrad nach Hause und dann ist das Tagewerk vollbracht. Euch noch einen schönen Samstag Abend 🌇.
#view #aussicht #sheep #Vegan #govegan #animalsanctuary #lebenshof
Familie Ostermann heute Vormittag als Familie Schneemann! 💙⛄️
➡️ https://land-der-tiere.de/kaninchen/
#landdertiere #lebenshof #tierrechte #tierschutz #tierrettung #kaninchen #schnee #winter #vegan #alletierewollenleben #tiereeinfachlebenlassen #govegan #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #sanctuary #vegansanctuary #animalsanctuary #animalrescue #rabbits #bunnies
#landdertiere #lebenshof #tierrechte #tierschutz #tierrettung #kaninchen #schnee #winter #vegan #alletierewollenleben #tiereeinfachlebenlassen #govegan #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #sanctuary #vegansanctuary #animalsanctuary #animalrescue #rabbits #bunnies
#Stellenangebot: Tierarzt/Tierärztin in Teil- oder Vollzeitanstellung
➡ https://land-der-tiere.de/stellenangebote/ 👣
Als #Tierarzt/Tierärztin auf einem veganen #Lebenshof mitzuarbeiten wäre dein #Traumjob? Dann bewirb dich jetzt!
#landdertiere #lebenshof #tierrechte #tierschutz #vegan #govegan #tierrettung #alletierewollenleben #tiereeinfachlebenlassen #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #sanctuary #vegansanctuary #animalsanctuary
#stellenangebot #tierarzt #lebenshof #traumjob #landdertiere #tierrechte #tierschutz #vegan #govegan #tierrettung #alletierewollenleben #tiereeinfachlebenlassen #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #sanctuary #vegansanctuary #animalsanctuary
Pigs just want to have fun! 🐖 🐗 ❤
Hoch beliebt im Schweineland: Futterspielbälle und Maiskreisel. Spiel, Spaß, Spannung – und leckere Sachen kommen auch noch aus den Spielsachen raus. 💚
🎞️ ➡️ https://land-der-tiere.de/fliegende-futterbaelle-und-maiskreisel/
#landdertiere #lebenshof #tierrechte #tierschutz #tierindustrie #vegan #schweine #wildschweine #govegan #tierrettung #alletierewollenleben #tiereeinfachlebenlassen #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #sanctuary #vegansanctuary #animalsanctuary #sanctuarylife #animalrescue
#landdertiere #lebenshof #tierrechte #tierschutz #tierindustrie #vegan #schweine #wildschweine #govegan #tierrettung #alletierewollenleben #tiereeinfachlebenlassen #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #sanctuary #vegansanctuary #animalsanctuary #sanctuarylife #animalrescue
Ein wundervoller Tag für Ärnie, die #Sturmschäden der vergangenen Woche aufzuessen. ❤
➡ https://land-der-tiere.de/ziegen/ 🐐
#landdertiere #lebenshof #tierrechte #tierschutz #vegan #govegan #tierrettung #ziegen #alletierewollenleben #tiereeinfachlebenlassen #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #sanctuary #vegansanctuary #animalsanctuary #sanctuarylife #animalrescue #friendsnotfood #goats
#sturmschaden #landdertiere #lebenshof #tierrechte #tierschutz #vegan #govegan #tierrettung #ziegen #alletierewollenleben #tiereeinfachlebenlassen #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #sanctuary #vegansanctuary #animalsanctuary #sanctuarylife #animalrescue #friendsnotfood #goats
Es ist kalt geworden im Ruhrgebiet.
Da muss der Schlafplatz umgebaut werden.
(Mit geklautem Stroh von den großen Schweinen)
(TW: Super süßes Video)
#lebenshof #animalsanctuary #Vegan #pig #schwein
ESSAY: Why the Santa Monica Airport Should Become a Park. By Michael Feinstein. Zocalo/Public Square. September 28, 2015
https://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/2015/09/28/why-the-santa-monica-airport-should-become-a-park/ideas/nexus/ #Airport2Park #SantaMonica #SMO #SantaMonicaAirport #GreatPark #MoreParks #OpenSpace #GreenSpace #Arboretum #SportsFields #AnimalSanctuary #Walking #Jogging #BotanicalGarden #Biking #Skating #LosAngeles
#losangeles #skating #biking #botanicalgarden #jogging #walking #animalsanctuary #sportsfields #arboretum #Greenspace #openspace #moreparks #greatpark #santamonicaairport #SMO #santamonica #airport2park
RT @teamveganfta@twitter.com
Such a sweet baby nap 😍😴
Now Tito has grown up but he still enjoys all the naps and cuddles he wants and a dignified life at Luvin Arms 💚🐮
🎥: @luvinarms@twitter.com
👉 Watch Tito's rescue story: https://youtu.be/cJ_M1-sj0A4
#babycow #veal #cuteanimals #animalsanctuary #sanctuary
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/teamveganfta/status/1614366991699017728
#babycow #veal #cuteanimals #animalsanctuary #sanctuary
Adorable #donation campaign to raise some funds for Milo's Sanctuary.
"Your virtual gift will provide food and supplies for the cats and critters at Milo's Sanctuary. Each gift comes with a digital donation certificate perfect for gift giving to any animal lovers on your gift list.
Virtual gifts are tax-deductible and are a wonderful option for end-of-year giving!"
#animalsanctuary #donation #caturday
Milo's Letter to Santa - Welcome to Milo's Sanctuary
#Caturday #animalsanctuary #donation
Winter wonderland ❄️☃️
Belle thought extra biccits were in order this morning 🍪💛
#animalsanctuary #sheep365 #sheep #winter #snow #nonprofit #AmazonWishList #AnimalLovers #foreverhome
#animalsanctuary #sheep365 #sheep #winter #snow #nonprofit #amazonwishlist #animallovers #foreverhome
Look at these beauties that I met yesterday 🐷💚 they are now safe for their entire lives and I couldn't be more grateful to those who dedicate their lives to saving beings like this 🙏 #vegan #friendsnotfood #animalrescue #animalsanctuary
#Vegan #friendsnotfood #animalrescue #animalsanctuary
So there’s this animal sanctuary on a farm in the UK called Caenhill Countryside Centre. They clearly love their animals and have a good time with them. It makes me happy.
This video is a real pick-me-up of delight. It features the beautiful cow, Widget, with a cameo by Oreo the dog. It may brighten your day.
(hat tip for the find: @CrowGirl42)
#joy #happy #animalsanctuary #sanctuary #cows #animals
Hierzie m’n metekind Lucky..
Samen met Becky heeft Lucky lang geleden een forever home aangeboden gekregen door Forrest & Friends, een Belgische stichting (VZW) opgericht door twee dierenartsen die zich toeleggen op het redden van oa #varkens uit de industrie.
Wat een zorgeloos leventje bij Forrest & Friends.💘
#dierenopvang #animalsanctuary #friendsnotfood #lucky #forrestandfriends #belgium #animalsave
#animalsave #belgium #forrestandfriends #lucky #friendsnotfood #animalsanctuary #dierenopvang #varkens
Anyone on Oahu looking for a super cute roomate? Sushi the pig is looking for a forever home. “Soon to be 200 to 300 pounds of cuteness” ❤️ 🐖
More pictures from #gracegiving at Sale Ranch! #animalsanctuary #vegan #veganfta #friendsnotfood
#gracegiving #animalsanctuary #vegan #veganfta #friendsnotfood
Confession: I really don’t like Thanksgiving. The crowds, the traffic, the huge gluttonous meal, the sheer scale of animal murder for a meal that usually sucks. The forced family gatherings. Bleh. But I love “Gracegiving” at Sale Ranch #animalsanctuary. All #vegan meal made by a great chef, with produce fresh from our garden , local wine, live music, sunset and of course, the animals - glad I get to volunteer there tomorrow 💚🌱
Queen Zelda has proclaimed today as National "Snout in the Air" Day! Put your snout, trunk, beak, or nose in the air to show your support for kindness to pigs and all other animals. 🐽🥰 #pigsanctuary #animalsanctuary #nonprofit
#pigsanctuary #animalsanctuary #nonprofit