Some new penguins that appeared on the Kelvin Walkway this week from Glasgow Penguins.
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#riverkelvin #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #litterpicking #animalsculptures #sculpture #streetart #kelvinwalkway #penguins #glasgowpenguins #glasgow
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this regal-looking eagle from the Langside Battlefield Memorial in Langside. The memorial was designed in the 1880s by Alexander Skirving and sculpted by James Young.
#glasgow #langside #battlefieldmonument #animalsinarchitecture #eagle #sculpture #animalsculptures
#achitecture #glasgowarchitecture #monuments
#monuments #glasgowarchitecture #achitecture #animalsculptures #sculpture #eagle #animalsinarchitecture #battlefieldmonument #langside #glasgow
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is an absolute cracker. It's one of the four Hippocampuses (Hippocampi?) above the Clyde Street entrance to the former fish market, which was build in 1873. These sculptures are always an absolute joy to see whenever I pass by.
#glasgow #sculptures #animals #hippocampus #animalsculptures #architecture #architecturaldetails #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #animalsinarchitecture
#animalsinarchitecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecturaldetails #architecture #animalsculptures #hippocampus #animals #sculptures #glasgow
I haven't posted an animal from Glasgow's architecture for a few days, so here's one. It's on the Anderson College building on Dumbarton Road, which was built in 1888, and is part of a relief sculpture by J.P. MacGillivray on the side of the building .
#glasgow #architecture #animals #sculpture #snakes #animalsinarchitecture #glasgowuniversity #animalsculptures
#animalsculptures #glasgowuniversity #animalsinarchitecture #snakes #sculpture #animals #architecture #glasgow
Punk penguins! Looks like some more penguins have moved into the wall opposite the old flint mill on the Kelvin Walkway in Glasgow.
#glasgow #streetart #penguins #punkpenguins #sculptures #animalsculptures #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart
#scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #animalsculptures #sculptures #punkpenguins #penguins #streetart #glasgow
I don't know where they're heading, but at the moment, this penguin family seems to be migrating along the Kelvin Walkway in Glasgow!
They're in the an alcove in the wall opposite the old flint mill. Kudos to whoever's responsible for putting them there.
#glasgow #kelvinwalkway #sculptures #penguins #migratinglenguins #animalsculptures #publicart #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart
#scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #publicart #animalsculptures #migratinglenguins #penguins #sculptures #kelvinwalkway #glasgow
Today's animal in Glasgow's achitecture: A small dragon guarding the entrance to Broomhill Hyndland Parish Church in the west end of Glasgow.
#glasgow #dragons #animals #animalsculptures #sculpture #churches #architecture #animalsinarchitecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings
#glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #animalsinarchitecture #architecture #churches #sculpture #animalsculptures #animals #dragons #glasgow
The Govan Cat, Govan Road, Govan.
Set into the wall of Brechin's Bar, this is one of the most unusual memorials in Glasgow. It's in remembrance of a cat which did a great service to the residents of Govan by single-handedly clearing out a heavy rat infestation, but died from injuries sustained while doing this.
#glasgow #govan #thegovancat #govanroad #animalsculptures #animals #cats #animalmemorials #menorials #glasgowmemorials #scottishmemorials #animalsinarchitecture #brechinbar
#brechinbar #animalsinarchitecture #scottishmemorials #glasgowmemorials #menorials #animalmemorials #cats #animals #animalsculptures #govanroad #thegovancat #govan #glasgow
Today I learned that turn of the 20th Century architects in Glasgow seemed to have an inordinate fondness for owls! This is one I found today, at it's a real cutie!
If you want to check it out for yourself, it's on 67 Hope Street, Glasgow.
#glasgow #til #todayilearned
#architecture #design #glasgowbuildings #animalsinarchitecture #sculpture #animalsculptures #owls
#owls #animalsculptures #sculpture #animalsinarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #design #architecture #architecturaldetails #todayilearned #til #glasgow
Scrap metal turned into extraordinary sculptures by John Lopez — see more:
#sculpture #sculptures, #figurative #scrapmetal #animalsculptures
#animalsculptures #scrapmetal #figurative #sculptures #sculpture