Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this fantastic griffin handle to cast iron greek urn. The urn itself is the finial on a newel post outside a townhouse on Woodlands Terrace in the west end of Glasgow.
#glasgow #sculpture #griffin #architecture #glasgowarchiture #glasgowbuildings #woodlandsterrace #animalsinarchitecture #ironwork
#ironwork #animalsinarchitecture #woodlandsterrace #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchiture #architecture #griffin #sculpture #glasgow
Today's animals from Glasgow's architecture are these dolphinfish supporting a lamp on the Kelvin Way Bridge on the west end of the city.
#glasgow #architecture #bridges #streetlight #dolphinfish #metalwork #streetfurniture #kelvinway #animalsinarchitecture
#animalsinarchitecture #kelvinway #streetfurniture #metalwork #dolphinfish #streetlight #bridges #architecture #glasgow
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this magnificent wild boar on the former Kelvinside Artistic Stationery Works on Herbert Street. The quality of pointing's not quite so good!
#glasgow #kelvinside #maryhill #architecture #buildings #glasgowbuildings #buildingphotography #animalsinarchitecture #wildboar #sculpture
#sculpture #wildboar #animalsinarchitecture #buildingphotography #glasgowbuildings #buildings #architecture #Maryhill #kelvinside #glasgow
Sleeping lions guarding the entrance to the Hamilton Mausoleum. This mausoleum was built in the mid-1800s for Alexander, the 10th Duke of Hamilton. The pair of male lions by David Bryce are just sublime.
#glasgow #hamilton #animals #sculpure #lions #animalsinarchitecture #sleepinglion
#sleepinglion #animalsinarchitecture #lions #sculpure #animals #hamilton #glasgow
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this wonderful little dragon nestled amongst the foliage around the entrance of what was originally the Anderston Free Chuch, but is now the Gillmorehill Centre of Glasgow University.
#glasgow #sculpture #animals #dragon #stonework #glasgowuniversity #animalsculpture #architecture #animalsinarchitecture
#animalsinarchitecture #architecture #animalsculpture #glasgowuniversity #stonework #dragon #animals #sculpture #glasgow
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this slightly grumpy-looking dolphinfish above the door of the Former Northern Assurance Building at 90 Saint Vincent Street.
#glasgow #sculpture #animalsinarchitecture
#animals #dolphinfish #stonecarving #carving #designdetail
#designdetail #carving #stonecarving #dolphinfish #animals #animalsinarchitecture #sculpture #glasgow
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this rather intense-looking lion's head from Frank Burnet's 1905 Gordon Chambers on Mitchell Street.
#glasgow #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #animals #lion #sculpture #animalsinarchitecture
#animalsinarchitecture #sculpture #lion #animals #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #glasgow
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this dragon apparently eating a snake at one of the entrances to the former Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women in Govanhill, which was built in the late 1800s.
#glasgow #sculpture #dragon #govanhill #animalsinarchitecture #architecture.
#architecture #animalsinarchitecture #Govanhill #dragon #sculpture #glasgow
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture comes from the front of the Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society building on Morrison Street in Glasgow. I love the way the lion's head grows organically out of the foliage.
#glasgow #architecture #tradeston #lion #glasgowbuildings #animalsinarchitecture #sculpture
#sculpture #animalsinarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #lion #tradeston #architecture #glasgow
Today's animals from Glasgow's architecture as these pair of beautifully carved dolphinfish from 1897 on 42 Jamaica Street in Glasgow City Centre. Sadly, one of them is somewhat worse for wear.
#glasgow #architecture #sculpture #dolphinfish #designdetails #animalsinarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #macsorleys
#macsorleys #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #animalsinarchitecture #designdetails #dolphinfish #sculpture #architecture #glasgow
A rather grumpy looking dragon with one head and two bodies above the University Avenue entrance to the main buildings of Glasgow University.
Over the years, I've spent a lot of time in and around the university, but I only noticed brilliant little sculpture for the first time a couple of weeks ago.
#glasgow #glasgowuniversity #sculpture #animalsculpture #dragon #animalsinarchitecture #architecture #designdetail #stonework #carving
#carving #stonework #designdetail #architecture #animalsinarchitecture #dragon #animalsculpture #sculpture #glasgowuniversity #glasgow
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this rather delightful dolphinfish wrapped round a trident on the keystone over one of the doors to a 1902 tenement on Hunter Street in Calton.
#glasgow #sculpture #architecture #animalsinarchitecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #dolphinfish #keystone
#keystone #dolphinfish #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #animalsinarchitecture #architecture #sculpture #glasgow
Today's animal in Glasgow's architecture is this rather wonderful dragon from one of the upper levels of the Stewart Memorial Fountain in Kelvingrove Park.
#glasgow #dragon #animalsinarchitecture #sculpture #architecture #designdetail #sculpture #stonework
#stonework #designdetail #architecture #sculpture #animalsinarchitecture #dragon #glasgow
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this rather cute little monkey above the entrance to the old Randolph Buildings of Glasgow University.
#glasgow #sculpture #animals #animalsinarchitecture #glasgowuniversity #stonework #carvings #monkey #monkeys
#monkeys #monkey #carvings #stonework #glasgowuniversity #animalsinarchitecture #animals #sculpture #glasgow
Love this little dragon nestled beneath an alcove on the front of the John Ross Memorial Church for the Deaf on West Regent Street in Glasgow.
#glasgow #dragon #animalsinarchitecture
#sculpture #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #publicart #publicsculpture
#publicsculpture #publicart #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #sculpture #animalsinarchitecture #dragon #glasgow
Lyre surrounded by dolphinfish and topped by a swan(?) On the La Belle Place elevation of the former Queens Rooms beside Kelvingrove Park. Built in 1857, the sculptures on this building are by the great John Mossman assisted by Walter Buchan.
#glasgow #sculpture #publicsculpture #johnmossman #architecture #animalsinarchitecture #glasgowbuildings
#glasgowbuildings #animalsinarchitecture #architecture #johnmossman #publicsculpture #sculpture #glasgow
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this one from the interior of Alexander 'Greek' Thomson's Holmwood House of the southside of Glasgow. Love the curvaceous shape and the minimalist design.
#glasgow #alexandergreekthomson #animals #animalsinarchitecture #sculpture #architecture #design #designdetail
#designdetail #design #architecture #sculpture #animalsinarchitecture #animals #alexandergreekthomson #glasgow
Today's animals from Glasgow's architecture are these wonderful little birds on the ironwork in the arches of the Clyde Street elevation of the Briggait.
#glasgow #ironwork #metalwork #animals #sculpture #animalsinarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #glasgowarchitecture
#glasgowarchitecture #architecture #glasgowbuildings #animalsinarchitecture #sculpture #animals #metalwork #ironwork #glasgow
The dragon on the side of the A-Listed Govan Old Parish Church seems to have suffered quite badly in recent years. The pipe through its back seems new (alhough there was evidence of previous damage here), along with the metal flashing on the top. There's also a rather unsympathetic repair to the face and (in my opinion) a poor choice of replacement downpipe.
#glasgow #sculpture #animalsculpture #architecture #govan #govanoldparishchurch #churches #animalsinarchitecture
#animalsinarchitecture #churches #govanoldparishchurch #govan #architecture #animalsculpture #sculpture #glasgow
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this apparently cross-eyed fishy beauty on 103 Hutcheson Street. Dating from around 1860, this is one of a series of similar sculptures above the second storey windows
#glasgow #architecture #fish #animalsinarchitecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #merchantcity #sculpture #animalsculpture #fish
#animalsculpture #sculpture #merchantcity #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #animalsinarchitecture #fish #architecture #glasgow