Found something for the #AnimangaPictureChallenge a while ago, gonna probably post it tomorrow! :rainbowexcited:
What about this guy's magic? It seems pretty dark to me!
#manga: Maou no Ore ga Dorei Elf wo Yome ni Shitanda ga, Dou Medereba ii?
#animangafoundit #manga #animangapicturechallenge #otaku
#AnimangaFoundIt to celebrate finishing Domestic Girlfriend, this power cut moment is one of the few panels I can be confident in being safe for sharing in the #AnimangaPictureChallenge
#animangapicturechallenge #animangafoundit
#AnimangaPictureChallenge I'm sorry, I kind of HAD to go with atomic power here.
Almost forgot bout the #AnimangaPictureChallenge :twilightsheepish: but when i saw this i had a sensation the theme could be numbers and it really was! Well, math difficulties moment :trollestia:
#animangafoundit #animangapicturechallenge #manga
#AnimangaFoundIt Raging hormones and high emotions results in a rainbow of signs in the climax of Mari Okada's fabulous "O Maidens in your Savage Season"
Can't believe I nailed a two-for-one on the #animangapicturechallenge again!
#animangapicturechallenge #animangafoundit
#AnimangaFoundIt Raging hormones and high emotions result in a rainbow of signs in the climax of Mari Okada's fabulous "O Maidens in your Savage Season"
Can't believe I nailed a two-for-one on the #animangapicturechallenge again!
#animangapicturechallenge #animangafoundit
The moment that Yuki gives Tohru a ribbon as a gift for white day seems to fit the criteria for this week's
Anime: Fruits Basket
#AnimangaFoundIt The moment that Yuki gives Tohru a ribbon as a gift for white day seems to fit the criteria for this week's
Anime: Fruits Basket
#animangafoundit #animangapicturechallenge
Oh, almost forgot bout the #AnimangaPictureChallenge haha :twilightblush:
But already #AnimangaFoundIt! And look at it, finally a chance to show this great #manga here called: Yankee-kun to Hakujou Girl
It is a really great work that approaches topics bout difficulties deficient people and other smaller groups suffer (focusing in visually impaired people), all while doing a really cute romance, it's really nice.
I was going to post in the english translation but there doesn't seem to have one for this cap (120) yet, so in portuguese it goes, sorry! But what matters is the smile right @apc?
The translation to what the boy is saying would be something like: "I'm happier because you're having fun!"
#animangapicturechallenge #animangafoundit #manga
Almost forgot bout this week #AnimangaPictureChallenge but i guess it was for better cuz i remembered in the same day as Niehime to Kemono no Ou 2nd ep launched, and just like that, #AnimangaFoundIt X3 in just one episode! :trollestia:
i was thinking here, as now the AnimangaChallenge has its own account now @apc, is it fine to mention it in the "found it!" posts? i think it could make things a bit easier
well, yeah, ⚠️ SPOILERS from Niehime to Kemono no Ou ahead! So with it comes a bit of a furry X human thing (okay, technically that's what it is, but you got it, and you have been warned :ponetonguewink: )
#animangapicturechallenge #animangafoundit #anime #otaku #weeb #spring2023anime
Bungo Stray Dogs season 4 ending theme
#bungostraydogs #anime #animangapicturechallenge #animangafoundit
Demon Slayer: Entertainment District Arc episode 1
#AnimangaFoundIt #AnimangaPictureChallenge
#demonslayer #kimetsunoyaiba
#kimetsunoyaiba #demonslayer #animangapicturechallenge #animangafoundit
Isekai Izakaya episode 11!
#AnimangaFoundIt #AnimangaPictureChallenge
#isekaiizakaya #anime #animangapicturechallenge #animangafoundit
Hey, #AnimangaPictureChallenge, #AnimangaFoundIt!
I haven't been participating much, but moment i saw the new theme i knew I'd find it in this #manga here (which is super cute and i 100% recommend btw :trollestia: ) and look at it in really did find it, and two great shots at the same page! Nice~ lol
Manga: Tekito na Maid no Oneesan & Erasou de Ichizu na Botchan
#animangapicturechallenge #animangafoundit #manga #otaku #weeb
A beverage in your #manga? It is more likely than you think.
This screenshot is from #PrinceOfTennis and shows an ominous beverage.
Dun. Dun. Dun!
#manga #princeoftennis #animangapicturechallenge #animangafoundit #tenipuri
This week we're looking for drinks and this is luckily a bit easier than the last few weeks. Got me a picture of the Eminence drinking a glass of wine.
#animangapicturechallenge #anime #animangafoundit
15th week of #AnimangaPictureChallenge! :Detective:
As you watch #anime or read #manga find the week's specified item/concept and then share a screenshot/picture with everyone using the hashtag #AnimangaFoundIt
This week's theme is: Drinks :pinkgirlsip:
Ends: 13 March
I hope you enjoy your week, have fun and stay hydrated! :mayhemvt_love:
#animangapicturechallenge #anime #manga #animangafoundit
14th week of #AnimangaPictureChallenge is over! It was harder than expected, congratulations to those who managed to find the theme! :ZenitsuPat:
Be ready for the next theme, we are already getting to week 15! :googletada:
It's very sad, but I have to give up! This'll be the first time I can't finish the #AnimangaPictureChallenge. :madoka_sad: I have to admit that I #AnimangaFoundNothing.
#animangapicturechallenge #animangafoundnothing